Category:Creating And Modifying Tables

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Related Online Training modules
Merging Categories
Merging Categories
Creating NETs
Question Types and Statistics
Creating Headings
Combining Questions
Nesting Questions
Table and Plot JavaScript
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The basics

As soon as you have set up your data in Q, Q automatically creates a SUMMARY table of the first Question in the study. You can then:

Controlling the appearance of tables by changing the underlying data

Many of the most fundamental ways of controlling tables are done by changing the underlying data. When you change the appearance of a table by changing its underlying data, all other tables using the same data will also change. If this is not desirable, you can instead create multiple versions of the data by duplicating the data).

The main ways of manipulating the data to change the appearance of tables are:

  • Merging and moving rows and columns by dragging and dropping.
  • Create NETs by selecting categories, right-clicking and select Create NET.
  • Sorting.
  • Creating Banner questions, which are hybrids of multiple questions (e.g., age and gender, or gender within age).
  • Spans, which are sub-headings going across multiple categories.
  • Recoding numeric values and changing missing data settings by right-clicking on rows/columns, selecting Values and modifying the Value Attributes.
  • Moving and Changing Rows and Columns by dragging and dropping.
  • Hiding rows and columns.

Other options for changing the appearance of tables

Creating lots of tables at the same time

You can manually create a report table-by-table using the procedures described above (see also Report for additional tools for organizing the report). Or, you can automatically create lots of tables, using any of:


This category has only the following subcategory.


Pages in category "Creating And Modifying Tables"

The following 95 pages are in this category, out of 95 total.