Project Options

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Project options contains settings that apply to your whole project. You specify them on a project-by-project basis. The most important section in Project Options is Statistical Assumptions, which controls how significance testing is done in the tables and charts in your project. The other settings relate to the appearance of tables, including decimal places for each statistic, the appearance of Q's charts, and layout for printing and PowerPoint Exports.

Many of the settings in Project Options can also be set in Table Options. Settings in Table Options apply to the selected tables and any copies thereof. Settings in Project Options apply to the entire project. Where there is a conflict, Table Options take precedence. Thus, when you wish to make a change to your defaults for a project you do it in Project Options, whereas if just wanting to change the selected tables you do this in Table Options.

Restore Click this button to restore all settings to their default values. All of your changes will be cleared. 

You can use an existing project to provide default options for new projects. See Project Templates.

Table Styles

You can customize the appearance of tables by defining styles and determining which tables are shown with which style. When set in Project Options, these settings are for the entire project. These can be overridden for selected tables using Table Options.

For each table, you can set a style for how it appears when printed, how it appears when exported as a PDF, and how it appears when exported to Microsoft Office as an image of a table. Note that these settings do not affect the layout or design of tables exported to Excel. They also do not affect tables exported to PowerPoint or Word unless the table is exported as an image. Many of the formatting options only appear when tables are exported and may not appear to have changed when shown on the screen.

By default, two styles are listed: Sobre which is conservative and designed for black and white printing and Colorful which more closely replicates the colors shown on the screen.

This list shows you what styles are available to use in your project. Each style controls the appearance of the table when shown on the screen, when printed, when exported to PDF, and when pasted as an image in other applications (e.g. Microsoft word). The styles may be saved out for use in future projects.

green plusAdd a new style to the list by copying the currently selected one.

red minusRemove the currently selected style from the list. This also removes the style from any Tables that refer to it.

open fileOpen a Q Table Style file (.QStyle) you have previously saved out from another project.

save fileSave the currently selected style as a stand-alone Q Table Style file (.QStyle) that you may use in future projects.


Name The name of the style; this will be shown when selecting styles for tables.

Fonts To customize the font, font size or color used in a style, click on any of Table Heading, Statistical series, Column, Row, Data and Footer (see section enclosed with the dashed red line below) and choose the preferred settings.

Show scale graph for each cell If ticked, a graph is shown in the background of every cell that is a scale of the cell's value between 0 and the maximum value of all cells, for the first statistical series.

Color the row and column categories like in the Outputs Tab Colors the row and column category cells so they appear similar to the Outputs Tab, with blue rows and brown columns.

Shrink column widths to fit data Shrinks the columns so that they are only as wide as necessary to fit the table's numerical data.

Show statistical series within each row When there is more than one statistical series, they will be shown on the right of each row heading.

Show missing data as "-" instead of "NaN"

Show question names next to columns and rows Instead of showing the Table's heading, show the blue and brown drop-down question names above the row and column headings.

Make NET row/column headings and data bold Make the font of NET cells bold.

Use minimal borders Only show borders above/below the table, and below column headings.

Place footer at bottom margin Either place the footer at the bottom of the page, or underneath the last row.

Export footer as separate text When exporting to Word or PowerPoint as a Table, paste the footer as a separate block of text.

Default style for

Screen/Outputs Tab The style to use when showing a table on the screen (in the Outputs Tab).
Print The style to use when printing via File Menu, Print.
PDF The style to use when exporting to PDF via File Menu, Export to PDF.
Export to Office as Table The style to use when the table is pasted into any application (e.g. Microsoft Word) as an image, or exported as data into Excel.

Printed Headings

To change the font used for a report element, click on it. When you click on an element, a Font dialog will appear that allows you to change the font family, size and style. Click OK when you have finished changing the font.

Printed Cover Page

The contents of this rich text box will appear in a separate cover page at the start of reports. The cover page only appears if you are printing more than one table and a table of contents is required. To insert content, either type into the box or copy and paste content (text, images, tables, etc.) from a word processor such as Microsoft Word.

For more detail on the best way to include images, please see Adding Images and Formatted Text to a Header, Footer, or Cover Page.

Printed Header/Footer

Header The contents of this rich text box will appear at the top of all pages in a report. To insert content, either type into the box or copy and paste content (text, images, tables, etc.) from a word processor such as Microsoft Word.

Footer The contents of this rich text box will appear at the bottom of all pages in a report.

Include Notes tab in report The contents of the Notes tab will be included in report print-outs or PDFs. The Notes page will be the first page after the Table of Contents.

For more detail on the best way to include images, please see Adding Images and Formatted Text to a Header, Footer, or Cover Page.

PowerPoint Export Layout

Fonts To change the fonts used for the title or footer, click on them.

Override font for PowerPoint title If ticked then Q will set the title font for slides it creates. Otherwise Q will leave PowerPoint's title font unchanged. Untick this if you want the title font to be set in your PowerPoint template.

Title distance from top of slide The distance between the top of the slide and the PowerPoint title, in mm. If you leave this blank then PowerPoint will position the title automatically, or take its position from the PowerPoint template.

Add Q title as subtitle, leaving PowerPoint title for other uses If you want to set each slide's PowerPoint manually then tick this option. Q will add its title as a subtitle.

Distance between title and subtitle The distance between the bottom of the PowerPoint title and Q's subtitle (if used). This distance is approximate: the real distance depends on whether your PowerPoint title wraps to a second or third line.

Footer distance from bottom of slide The distance between the bottom of your slide and the bottom of the footer text added by Q.

See Export to Office for additional options when exporting to PowerPoint.

Project Decimal Places

This tab allows you to set how many decimal places to round values to, for all types of statistical series in Q. Look for the statistical series that you want to change the decimal rounding for, then enter a number between 0 and 20. For example, a decimal place of 0 will give you whole numbers ("5"), while a decimal place of 2 will give you 2 fractional digits ("5.29").

Text Items

The default settings for text items when exporting to PowerPoint are controlled here. If you modify the defaults, existing text items will also be updated with the new defaults.

Title font: Click here to select a default font and colour for the title of slides.

Title alignment: Select whether to align the title of slides to near (left), center, or far (right).

Body font: Click here to select a default font and colour for the body of slides.

Body alignment: Select whether to align the body of slides to near (left), center, or far (right).

Body box width: The default width of the box that the body and title text must fit in.

Paragraph spacing before: How much space to put before the start of paragraphs.

Paragraph spacing after: How much space to put at the end of paragraphs.

Output Text

Language Change the language that tables and charts are shown in.

If you select "(use Windows language)", then Q will use the language set on the computer that the project is viewed on. This means that if you are editing your project in England (in English), and send a Q Pack to a client in China, the client will automatically see the tables in Chinese.

If you set a specific language here, then all viewers of the project will see tables and charts in that language regardless of their computer's language.

Source Text Q's default text that will be shown on a table/chart. This includes all of the statistic names that may possibly be shown on a table. It shows the terms used in Q's documation.

LANGUAGE (COUNTRY) text Translated using the specified Language option in the Output Text tab in Project Options. Contact [[1]] to enquire about adding languages.

Override Text Type the text that you want to show instead of Q's default text or the Project Options Text. Override Text entered here will only apply to the selected table/chart.

If the Text on the left shows any placeholders (which look like {0}, {1}, etc.), then you must enter the same placeholders in your text. These placeholders will be filled in later; for example, "{0} commencing" will be later filled in with "Week" or "Month" to make "Week commencing" or "Month commencing".

Export to Clipboard Export the table of text to the Windows clipboard. The table will be copied in a format that allows you to paste into Excel (tab-delimited), make any changes, then copy back into Q.

Import from Clipboard Import a table from the Windows clipboard. The table must be in the same format that Q uses when exporting, and have the same columns. A table copied from Excel will work automatically.

Statistical Assumptions

See Statistical Assumptions.

Table/Plot JavaScript

Here you may enter Table and Plot JavaScript which will be run for all tables and charts.


Date format

Set the format that dates are displayed in. By default, this comes from your Windows cultural settings. You may use d, dd, ddd, or dddd for the day; M, MM, MMM or MMMM for the month; y, yy or yyyy for the year.

Here are some examples:

       yyyy-MM-dd = 2010-04-15 
       dddd, d MMMM, yyyy = Thursday, 15 April, 2010 
       d/M/y = 15/4/10 

Data matching

This option has been removed in Q 4.6 and replaced by the concept of a Recipient data file in the Data File Relationship dialog.

Maximum number matching respondents with the same "match" values: Where there is a many-to-many Data File Relationship between two data files, this number limits how many respondents with the same values will match.

For example, the data files "survey.sav" and "sales.sav" have a many-to-many relationship, where they are joining on the Month that respondents either answered the survey or purchased a product.

In January there were only 20 survey responses, but 10,000 sales. With no maximum limit, the matched data would contain 200,000 respondents for January alone.

With a maximum of 100 matching respondents, the number of survey responses is limited to 10 from January, and the number of sales limited to 10 from January (hence, 10 x 10 makes 100 matching respondents).

See also

Overview of options in Q