Create New Variables - Combine Questions as a Grid
This tool combines several Pick Any questions into a Pick Any - Grid question, or several Number - Multi questions into a Number - Grid . This can be used to combine data from aided/unaided awareness questions , or when questions from a grid have been stored in the data file without appropriate labelling.
When the script runs you will be asked to select the questions to combine and a name for the new question . The questions that you select should all have the same set of variable labels in the same order.
- Run this option from Automate > Browse Online Library.
- Select the questions you wish to combine.
- Choose a name for the new grid question.
In this example two Awareness questions are combined into a grid. Note that the two input questions have identical labels.
Technical details
This tool derives appropriate labels by adding the name to the existing variable labels. It is usually better to ask your data provider to set up the labels in your file so that the grid structure can be automatically determined when you import the data, and the recommended specifications are linked here.
How to apply this QScript
- Start typing the name of the QScript into the Search features and data box in the top right of the Q window.
- Click on the QScript when it appears in the QScripts and Rules section of the search results.
- Select Automate > Browse Online Library.
- Select this QScript from the list.
Customizing the QScript
This QScript is written in JavaScript and can be customized by copying and modifying the JavaScript.
Customizing QScripts in Q4.11 and more recent versions
- Start typing the name of the QScript into the Search features and data box in the top right of the Q window.
- Hover your mouse over the QScript when it appears in the QScripts and Rules section of the search results.
- Press Edit a Copy (bottom-left corner of the preview).
- Modify the JavaScript (see QScripts for more detail on this).
- Either:
- Run the QScript, by pressing the blue triangle button.
- Save the QScript and run it at a later time, using Automate > Run QScript (Macro) from File.
Customizing QScripts in older versions
includeWeb("QScript Selection Functions");
includeWeb("QScript Utility Functions");
includeWeb("QScript Functions to Generate Outputs");
includeWeb("QScript Value Attributes Functions");
function main() {
const web_mode = inDisplayr();
const allowed_types = ["Numeric - Multi", "Binary - Multi"];
let selected_questions = selectInputQuestions(allowed_types);
if (!selected_questions)
return false;
if (!areQuestionsValidAndNonEmpty(selected_questions))
return false;
if (selected_questions.length < 2) {
log("You must select at least 2 appropriate questions.");
return false;
let data_file = getDataFileFromQuestions(selected_questions);
if (!data_file)
return false;
// Make sure all are numeric or all are pick any
const prop_name = web_mode ? "variableSetStructure" : "questionType"
if (! (q) { return q[prop_name]; }).every(function (type) { return type == selected_questions[0][prop_name]; })) {
log("The selected " + (web_mode ? "variable sets" : "questions") + " have different " + (web_mode ? "structures" : "types") + " and cannot be combined.");
return false;
const is_categorical = web_mode ? selected_questions[0].variableSetStructure == "Binary - Multi" : selected_questions[0].questionType == "Pick Any";
// Check labels
let all_labels = (q) { return (v) { return v.label; }); });
// Check lengths
if (!all_labels.every(function (label_array) { return label_array.length == all_labels[0].length; })) {
log(correctTerminology("The selected questions have different numbers of variables and cannot be combined."));
return false;
// Check all sets equal
function labelArraysEqual(array_1, array_2) {
let are_equal = true;
array_1.forEach(function (label, ind) {
if (label != array_2[ind])
are_equal = false;
return are_equal;
if (!all_labels.every(function (label_array) { return labelArraysEqual(label_array, all_labels[0]); }) ) {
log(correctTerminology("The labels from these questions do not match, and so they cannot be combined."));
return false;
// Copy variables and edit labels
let new_vars = [];
let last_var = null;
try {
selected_questions.forEach(function (q) {
q.variables.forEach(function (v) {
let q_below = data_file.getVariableByName(;
let new_linked = preventDuplicateVariableName(data_file,
let new_var = data_file.newJavaScriptVariable(, false, new_linked,, q_below);
new_var.label = + " - " + v.label;
} catch(e)
log("Could not create variable: " + e);
return false;
// Set question and create summary tables
let new_name ={ return }).join(' + ');
if (!web_mode)
new_name = prompt("Enter a name for the new grid question:", new_name);
new_name = preventDuplicateQuestionName(data_file, new_name);
let new_q = data_file.setQuestion(new_name, (is_categorical ? "Pick Any - Grid" : "Number - Grid"), new_vars);
if (is_categorical) {
setCountThisValueForVariablesInQuestion(new_q, 1, true);
new_q.needsCheckValuesToCount = false
if (!web_mode)
var new_group =; = new_name;
var new_table = new_group.appendTable();
new_table.primary = new_q;
if (fileFormatVersion() > 8.65)[new_table]);
conditionallyEmptyLog("A table showing the new question has been added into the folder " + new_name);
return true;
Prior to the 15th of December, 2015, this page was known as Data Manipulation - Combine Several Questions as a Grid
See also
- QScript for more general information about QScripts.
- QScript Examples Library for other examples.
- Online JavaScript Libraries for the libraries of functions that can be used when writing QScripts.
- QScript Reference for information about how QScript can manipulate the different elements of a project.
- JavaScript for information about the JavaScript programming language.
- Table JavaScript and Plot JavaScript for tools for using JavaScript to modify the appearance of tables and charts.