Marketing - Legacy TURF Analysis

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This page describes the legacy TURF option in Q. For a more modern TURF, please use Automate > Browse Online Library > TURF > TURF Analysis, and see the page Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency (TURF) for more information on using the tool.

This QScript runs a TURF analysis on selected variables.


TURF Summary: Best Portfolios for Each Size
Size	Reach	Freq.	Portfolio
1	65.87%	469	Peppermint
2	82.44%	747	Peppermint OR Strawberry
3	90.87%	1,055	Lemon OR Peppermint OR Strawberry
4	95.08%	1,483	Lemon OR Peppermint OR Spearmint OR Strawberry
5	96.91%	1,750	Lemon OR Menthol OR Peppermint OR Spearmint OR Strawberry
6	98.17%	1,916	Menthol OR Orange OR Peppermint OR Spearmint OR Strawberry OR Vanilla
7	98.88%	2,213	Intense peppermint OR Menthol OR Orange OR Peppermint OR Spearmint OR Strawberry OR Vanilla
8	99.58%	2,331	Intense peppermint OR Menthol OR Orange OR Peach OR Peppermint OR Spearmint OR Strawberry OR Vanilla

List of All 11 Alternatives from Gum flavour preferences
%	Population
31.46%	224	Apple
41.71%	297	Intense peppermint
43.26%	308	Lemon
37.50%	267	Menthol
39.89%	284	Orange
16.57%	118	Peach
65.87%	469	Peppermint
60.11%	428	Spearmint
39.04%	278	Strawberry
26.69%	190	Vanilla
16.29%	116	Watermelon

Technical details

  • Variables from Pick Any and Pick Any - Grid questions can be included.
  • The analysis generates a list of the most optimal portfolios in terms of reach and then frequency, for each portfolio size in a specified range of portfolio sizes. The results of the TURF analysis are displayed in a new text item in the report tree.
  • The filters and weight are selected via this QScript and not via the usual drop-downs at the bottom of the window. The analysis is run only on the respondents without missing data for all alternatives.
  • Options such as forced alternatives and mutually exclusive alternatives may also be specified. See Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency (TURF) for more information on the options available in this QScript.
  • There is an option to output tables in a format that can easily be copied and pasted into Excel (tab separated columns). This format is less readable when portfolio names are long, as names wrap around to the next line. It is therefore recommended that the standard format (not Excel friendly) is chosen when Excel exporting is not required.
  • Requires Q 4.8.6 or later.

How to apply this QScript

  • Start typing the name of the QScript into the Search features and data box in the top right of the Q window.
  • Click on the QScript when it appears in the QScripts and Rules section of the search results.


  • Select Automate > Browse Online Library.
  • Select this QScript from the list.

Customizing the QScript

This QScript is written in JavaScript and can be customized by copying and modifying the JavaScript.

Customizing QScripts in Q4.11 and more recent versions

  • Start typing the name of the QScript into the Search features and data box in the top right of the Q window.
  • Hover your mouse over the QScript when it appears in the QScripts and Rules section of the search results.
  • Press Edit a Copy (bottom-left corner of the preview).
  • Modify the JavaScript (see QScripts for more detail on this).
  • Either:
    • Run the QScript, by pressing the blue triangle button.
    • Save the QScript and run it at a later time, using Automate > Run QScript (Macro) from File.

Customizing QScripts in older versions

  • Copy the JavaScript shown on this page.
  • Create a new text file, giving it a file extension of .QScript. See here for more information about how to do this.
  • Modify the JavaScript (see QScripts for more detail on this).
  • Run the file using Automate > Run QScript (Macro) from File.


// This script runs a TURF analysis and writes the results to a text item.
includeWeb('QScript Selection Functions');
var turf_question_name = 'TURF';
var heading_style = { size: 14 };
var table_style = { font: 'Lucida Console' };
if (!main())
    log('QScript was cancelled.');
function main() {
    var version = fileFormatVersion();
    if (version < 8.20) {
        alert('This script is not able to run on this version of Q.');
        return false;
    var data_file = requestOneDataFileFromProject(false);
    if (data_file == null) {
        alert('There is no data file in the project.');
        return false;
    var turf;
    var turf_question;
    var question_names;
    var filters;
    var weight;
    var number_of_alternatives;
    var alternative_labels;
    var excel_friendly;
    do {
        // Input variables
        var pick_any_questions = data_file.questions.filter(isQuestionPickAnyOrPickAnyGrid).filter(isQuestionNotHidden).filter(isQuestionValid).filter(isNotTurfQuestion).filter(function (q) { return !q.isBanner; });
        if (pick_any_questions.length == 0) {
            alert('There are no Pick Any questions in this project.');
            return false;
        var pick_any_variables = getVariablesFromQuestions(pick_any_questions);
        var selected_variables;
        do {
            selected_variables = selectManyVariablesByQuestionNameAndLabel('Select the alternatives (variables) to be included in the TURF analysis.' +
                                                                           ' Only variables from Pick Any and Pick Any - Grid questions can be selected:', pick_any_variables).variables;
        } while (!checkTwoOrMoreVariables(selected_variables))
        // The alternative labels are "cleaned" by Q so they will be different from those in the input variables. We obtain the alternative labels from a TURF object.
        number_of_alternatives = selected_variables.length;
        turf_question = createQuestionWithLinkedVariables(turf_question_name, selected_variables, data_file, 'Pick Any');
        var full_turf = createTurf(turf_question, null, null);
        full_turf.maximumPortfolioSize = number_of_alternatives;
        full_turf.minimumPortfolioSize = number_of_alternatives;
        full_turf.optimizationMethod = 'Stochastic';
        alternative_labels = full_turf.optimalPortfolios(number_of_alternatives)[0].alternativeLabels;
        // Check that alternative labels are different from each other
        if (!checkLabelsNotDuplicate(alternative_labels))
            return false;
        // Filter questions
        var all_filter_variables = data_file.variables.filter(function (x) { return x.question.isFilter; });
        if (all_filter_variables.length > 0 && askYesNo('Would you like to apply filters to the TURF analysis?'))
            filters = selectManyVariablesByLabel('Select the filter variables to be included in the TURF analysis.', all_filter_variables).variables;
            filters = null;
        // Weight question
        var all_weight_variables = data_file.variables.filter(function (x) { return x.question.isWeight; });
        if (all_weight_variables.length > 0 && askYesNo('Would you like to apply a weight to the TURF analysis?'))
            weight = selectOneVariableByLabel('Select the weight variable to be included in the TURF analysis.', all_weight_variables, false);
            weight = null;
        turf = createTurf(turf_question, filters, weight);
        question_names = [];
        selected_variables.forEach(function (x) {
            if (question_names.indexOf( == -1)
    } while (!turf || !checkTurfNotFailed(turf))
    // Create basic TURF object to retrieve reach and frequency of each alternative
    var basic_turf = createTurf(turf_question, filters, weight);
    basic_turf.maximumPortfolioSize = 1;
    basic_turf.numberOfPortfolios = number_of_alternatives;
    var size_one_portfolios = basic_turf.optimalPortfolios(1);
    // Advanced options
    var excluded_labels = [];
    var forced_labels = [];
    var max_max_portfolio_size = number_of_alternatives;
    if (askYesNo('Would you like to modify advanced options?', 'Total_Unduplicated_Reach_and_Frequency_(TURF)')) {
        var min_min_portfolio_size = 1;
        // Forced alternatives
        if (askYesNo('Would you like to specify forced alternatives (i.e. alternatives that must be included in all portfolios)?', 'Total_Unduplicated_Reach_and_Frequency_(TURF)#Forced_Alternatives')) {
            turf.forcedAlternatives = selectManyVariablesByLabel('Select the forced alternatives.', turf_question.variables).variables;
            if (turf.forcedAlternatives.length > 1) {
                min_min_portfolio_size = turf.forcedAlternatives.length;
                alert('The minimum possible portfolio size has increased to ' + min_min_portfolio_size + ' due to the inclusion of forced alternatives.');
            if (turf.forcedAlternatives.length > 0 && fileFormatVersion() == 8.23) // there is a bug with forced alternatives using the exhaustive method
                turf.optimizationMethod = 'Stochastic';
        // Mutually exclusive alternatives
        if (askYesNo('Would you like to specify mutually exclusive alternatives (i.e. alternatives that must not appear with each other).',
            'Total_Unduplicated_Reach_and_Frequency_(TURF)#Mutually_Exclusive_Alternatives')) {
            var mutually_exclusive_alternatives = [];
            do {
                var selected_alternatives = selectManyVariablesByLabel('Select alternatives that must be mutually exclusive:', turf_question.variables).variables;
                if (checkTwoOrMoreVariables(selected_alternatives) &&
                    checkMutuallyExclusiveAlternativesNotForced(turf.forcedAlternatives, selected_alternatives)) {
                    if (number_of_alternatives == selected_alternatives.length) {
                        alert('All alternatives have been selected to be mutually exclusive. There will only be portfolios of size one.');
                    if (!askYesNo('Would you like to specify an additional set of mutually exclusive variables?', 'Total_Unduplicated_Reach_and_Frequency_(TURF)#Mutually_Exclusive_Alternatives'))
            } while (true)
            turf.mutuallyExclusiveAlternatives = mutually_exclusive_alternatives;
            if (fileFormatVersion() <= 8.20 && mutually_exclusive_alternatives.length > 1) // difficult to calculate the exact max max portfolio size for this case, which is necessary for the stochastic method.
                turf.optimizationMethod = 'Exhaustive';
        // Minimum proportion of positive responses
        while (true) {
            var min_proportion = prompt('Enter the minimum proportion of positive responses (from 0 to 1). Alternatives whose proportion of positive responses is less than this number will be excluded.', 0,
            if (min_proportion < 0)
                alert('Enter a proportion greater than or equal to zero.');
            else if (min_proportion > 1)
                alert('Enter a proportion less than or equal to one.');
            else {
                var excluded = size_one_portfolios.filter(function (x) { return x.reach < min_proportion; });
                excluded_labels = (x) { return x.alternativeLabels[0]; });
                forced_labels = (x) { return x.label.trim(); });
                var forced_and_excluded = excluded.filter(function (x) { return forced_labels.indexOf(x.alternativeLabels[0]) != -1; });
                if (number_of_alternatives == excluded.length)
                    alert('The input value is too high as all alternatives would be excluded. Enter a smaller proportion.');
                else if (forced_and_excluded.length > 0) {
                    var message = 'The input value is too high as the following forced variables would be excluded. Enter a smaller proportion.\n\n';
                    forced_and_excluded.forEach(function (x) { message += x.alternativeLabels[0] + '\n'; });
                } else {
                    turf.minimumProportionOfPositiveResponses = min_proportion;
                    if (excluded_labels.length == 0 && min_proportion > 0)
                        alert('No alternatives have been excluded as their minimum proportions are all at least ' + min_proportion + '.');
                    else if (excluded_labels.length == 1)
                        alert('The following alternative has been excluded as its minimum proportion is below ' + min_proportion + ':\n\n' + excluded_labels[0]);
                    else if (excluded_labels.length > 1)
                        alert('The following alternatives have been excluded as their minimum proportion is below ' + min_proportion + ':\n\n' + excluded_labels.join('\n'));
        // Set max max portfolio size given the mutually exclusive alternatives and excluded alternatives
        max_max_portfolio_size = number_of_alternatives - excluded_labels.length;           
        turf.mutuallyExclusiveAlternatives.forEach(function (x) {
            var mutually_exclusive_labels = (y) { return y.label.trim(); });
            var remaining = alternative_labels.filter(function (label) {
                return excluded_labels.indexOf(label) == -1 && mutually_exclusive_labels.indexOf(label) == -1;
            max_max_portfolio_size = Math.min(max_max_portfolio_size, remaining.length + 1);
        // Minimum alternatives per case
        if (max_max_portfolio_size > 1) {
            var min_alternatives_per_case;
            while (true) {
                min_alternatives_per_case = prompt('Enter the minimum alternatives per case (1 to ' + max_max_portfolio_size +
                                                   '). This is the minimum number of selected alternatives in each case' +
                                                   ' in order for the case to be counted in the portfolio\'s reach.', 1,
                if (isNaN(min_alternatives_per_case) || min_alternatives_per_case != Math.round(min_alternatives_per_case))
                    alert('Enter a whole number (e.g. 1).');
                else if (min_alternatives_per_case <= 0)
                    alert('Enter a number greater than zero.');
                else if (min_alternatives_per_case > max_max_portfolio_size)
                    alert('The input value is too high as there will be no portfolios with a positive reach.  Enter a smaller number.');
            turf.minimumAlternativesPerCase = Math.round(min_alternatives_per_case);
            if (turf.minimumAlternativesPerCase > min_min_portfolio_size) {
                min_min_portfolio_size = turf.minimumAlternativesPerCase;
                alert('The minimum possible portfolio size has increased to ' + min_min_portfolio_size + ' as this is the minimum number of alternatives per case.');
        // Minimum portfolio size
        var min_portfolio_size;
        if (min_min_portfolio_size == max_max_portfolio_size) {
            turf.maximumPortfolioSize = max_max_portfolio_size;
            turf.minimumPortfolioSize = max_max_portfolio_size;
        } else {
            while (true) {
                min_portfolio_size = prompt('Enter the minimum portfolio size (' + min_min_portfolio_size + ' to ' + max_max_portfolio_size +
                                            '). Only portfolios of this size and larger will be displayed.', min_min_portfolio_size,
                if (isNaN(min_portfolio_size) || min_portfolio_size != Math.round(min_portfolio_size))
                    alert('Enter a whole number (e.g. 1).');
                else if (min_portfolio_size <= 0)
                    alert('Enter a number greater than zero.');
                else if (min_portfolio_size < turf.forcedAlternatives.length)
                    alert('Enter a number greater than or equal to the number of forced alternatives (' + turf.forcedAlternatives.length + ').');
                else if (min_portfolio_size < min_min_portfolio_size)
                    alert('Enter a number greater than or equal to ' + min_min_portfolio_size + '. Otherwise there will be some portfolio sizes with no valid portfolios.');
                else if (min_portfolio_size > max_max_portfolio_size)
                    alert('Enter a number less than or equal to ' + max_max_portfolio_size + '. Otherwise there will be no valid portfolios.');
            turf.maximumPortfolioSize = max_max_portfolio_size; // need to set maximumPortfolioSize at least as high as minimumPortfolioSize to avoid exception
            turf.minimumPortfolioSize = Math.round(min_portfolio_size);
    // Maximum portfolio size
    if (turf.minimumPortfolioSize != max_max_portfolio_size) {
        var max_portfolio_size;
        while (true) {
            max_portfolio_size = prompt('Enter the maximum portfolio size (' + turf.minimumPortfolioSize + ' to ' + max_max_portfolio_size +
                                        '). Portfolios of size ' + turf.minimumPortfolioSize + ' to this number will be displayed.',
                                        Math.min(max_max_portfolio_size, Math.max(turf.minimumPortfolioSize, 8)),
            if (isNaN(max_portfolio_size) || max_portfolio_size != Math.round(max_portfolio_size))
                alert('Enter a whole number (e.g 1).');
            else if (max_portfolio_size < turf.minimumPortfolioSize)
                alert('Enter a number greater than or equal to the minimum portfolio size (' + turf.minimumPortfolioSize + ').');
            else if (max_portfolio_size > max_max_portfolio_size)
                alert('Enter a number less than or equal to ' + max_max_portfolio_size + '. Otherwise there will be some portfolio sizes with no valid portfolios.');
        turf.maximumPortfolioSize = Math.round(max_portfolio_size);
    // Number of top portfolios to display
    var number_of_portfolios;
    while (true) {
        number_of_portfolios = prompt('Enter the number of top portfolios to display for each portfolio size.' +
                                      ' If left at 1, only the best portfolio will be shown.' +
                                      ' If set to 2, then the best and second best portfolio will be shown, etc.', 1,
        if (isNaN(number_of_portfolios) || number_of_portfolios != Math.round(number_of_portfolios))
            alert('Enter a whole number (e.g. 1).');
        else if (number_of_portfolios <= 0)
            alert('Enter a number greater than zero.');
    turf.numberOfPortfolios = Math.round(number_of_portfolios);
    // Optimization method
    if (turf.optimizationMethod == 'Default' && turf.numberOfCombinations >= turf.thresholdNumberOfCombinations) {
        var message = 'This TURF analysis may take more than a few seconds to run with the usual "Exhaustive" method,' +
                      ' would you like to use the "Stochastic" method instead, which takes less time and is still' +
                      ' highly likely to return the same results?';
        if (!askYesNo(message, 'Total_Unduplicated_Reach_and_Frequency_(TURF)#Optimization_Methods'))
            turf.optimizationMethod = 'Exhaustive';
    if (turf.optimizationMethod == 'Exhaustive' && turf.numberOfCombinations * turf.baseN > Math.pow(10, 9))
        alert('The requested TURF analysis may take more than a few seconds to run. Are you sure you want to proceed?');
    else if (turf.numberOfCombinations * turf.baseN > Math.pow(10, 12))
        alert('The requested TURF analysis may take more than a few seconds to run. Are you sure you want to proceed?');
    excel_friendly = askYesNo('Format text for cutting and pasting to Excel?');

    var text_item =;
    if ( // Remove when Q 4.10 is stable[text_item]);
    // Title
    var title_builder = Q.htmlBuilder();
    title_builder.appendParagraph( + ' (' + number_of_alternatives + ' alternatives from ' + question_names.join(' and ') + ')', { font: 'Tahoma', size: 20});
    text_item.title = title_builder;
    // Body
    var builder = Q.htmlBuilder();
    builder.setStyle({ font: 'Tahoma', size: 10 });
    // Summary table
    builder.appendParagraph('TURF Summary: Best Portfolios for Each Size', heading_style);
    var summary_table = [[excel_friendly ? 'Portfolio' : '', 'Size', 'Reach', 'Freq.']];
    for (var i = turf.minimumPortfolioSize; i <= turf.maximumPortfolioSize; i++) {
        var portfolios = turf.optimalPortfolios(i);
        if (portfolios.length > 0)
            summary_table.push([portfolios[0].alternativeLabels.join(' OR '), i, Q.DecimalsToShow(100 * portfolios[0].reach, 2) + '%', Q.DecimalsToShow(portfolios[0].frequency, 0)]);
            summary_table.push(['No portfolios for this size', i, '', '']);
    summary_table.push(['', '', '', '']);
    if (excel_friendly) {
        summary_table = moveColumnToLast(summary_table, 0);
        appendTabTable(builder, summary_table, table_style);
    } else
        builder.appendTable(summary_table, [75, 5, 8, 12], '-', table_style);
    // Tables for each portfolio size
    if (turf.numberOfPortfolios > 1) {
        for (var i = turf.minimumPortfolioSize; i <= turf.maximumPortfolioSize; i++) {
            builder.appendParagraph('Best Portfolios of Size ' + i, heading_style);
            var portfolios = turf.optimalPortfolios(i);
            var table = [[excel_friendly ? 'Portfolio' : '', 'Rank', 'Reach', 'Freq.']];
            if (portfolios.length == 0)
                table.push(['No portfolios for this size', '', '', '']);
            else {
                for (var j = 0; j < portfolios.length; j++)
                    table.push([portfolios[j].alternativeLabels.join(' OR '), j + 1, Q.DecimalsToShow(100 * portfolios[j].reach, 2) + '%', Q.DecimalsToShow(portfolios[j].frequency, 0)]);
            table.push(['', '', '', '']);
            if (excel_friendly) {
                table = moveColumnToLast(table, 0);
                appendTabTable(builder, table, table_style);
            } else
                builder.appendTable(table, [75, 5, 8, 12], '-', table_style);
    // Alternatives
    builder.appendParagraph('List of All ' + number_of_alternatives + ' Alternatives from ' + question_names.join(' and '), heading_style);
    var alternatives_table = [['', '%', 'Population']];
    var size_one_labels = (y) { return y.alternativeLabels[0]; });
    alternative_labels.forEach(function (label) {
        var portfolio_index = size_one_labels.indexOf(label);
                                 Q.DecimalsToShow(100 * size_one_portfolios[portfolio_index].reach, 2) + '%',
                                 Q.DecimalsToShow(size_one_portfolios[portfolio_index].frequency, 0)]);
    alternatives_table.push(['', '', '']);
    if (excel_friendly) {
        alternatives_table = moveColumnToLast(alternatives_table, 0);
        appendTabTable(builder, alternatives_table, table_style);
    } else
        builder.appendTable(alternatives_table, [82, 8, 12], '-', table_style);
    // Forced alternatives
    if (turf.forcedAlternatives.length > 0) {
        builder.appendParagraph('Forced Alternatives', heading_style);
        var forced_table = [['']];
        turf.forcedAlternatives.forEach(function (x) {
        if (excel_friendly)
            appendTabTable(builder, forced_table, table_style);
            builder.appendTable(forced_table, [82], '-', table_style);
    // Mutually exclusive alternatives
    turf.mutuallyExclusiveAlternatives.forEach(function (x, index) {
        if (turf.mutuallyExclusiveAlternatives.length == 1)
            builder.appendParagraph('Mutually Exclusive Alternatives', heading_style);
            builder.appendParagraph('Mutually Exclusive Alternatives ' + (index + 1), heading_style);
        var mutually_exclusive_table = [['']];
        x.forEach(function (y) {
        if (excel_friendly)
            appendTabTable(builder, mutually_exclusive_table, table_style);
            builder.appendTable(mutually_exclusive_table, [82], '-', table_style);
    // Note about minimum proportion
    if (excluded_labels.length > 0) {
        builder.appendParagraph('Excluded Alternatives', heading_style);
        var excluded_table = [['']];
        excluded_labels.forEach(function (label) { excluded_table.push([label]); });
        builder.appendParagraph('Alternatives with % less than ' + (100 * turf.minimumProportionOfPositiveResponses) + '%');
        if (excel_friendly)
            appendTabTable(builder, excluded_table, table_style);
            builder.appendTable(excluded_table, [82], '-', table_style);
    builder.appendParagraph('Note', heading_style);
    builder.appendParagraph('Portfolios are ranked in terms of highest reach and then highest frequency.');
    // Note about minimum alternatives per case
    if (turf.minimumAlternativesPerCase > 1)
        builder.appendParagraph('The minimum number of alternatives per case is ' + turf.minimumAlternativesPerCase + '.');
    // Note about filters
    if (filters != null && filters.length > 0) {
        if (filters.length == 1)
            builder.appendParagraph('The filter "' + filters[0].label + '" has been applied to the TURF analysis.');
        else {
            builder.appendParagraph('The following filters have been applied to the TURF analysis:');
            var bulleted_list = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < filters.length; i++)
    // Note about weight
    if (weight != null)
        builder.appendParagraph('The weight "' + weight.label + '" has been applied to the TURF analysis.');
    // Notes about sample size
    builder.appendParagraph('Base n (unweighted total sample size): ' + Q.DecimalsToShow(turf.baseN, 0));
    if (weight != null)
        builder.appendParagraph('Base Population (weighted total sample size): ' + Q.DecimalsToShow(turf.basePopulation, 0));
    builder.appendParagraph('Missing n (number of observations excluded due to missing data): ' + Q.DecimalsToShow(turf.missingN, 0), turf.missingN > 0 ? { color: 'red' } : null);
    // Note about optimization method
    if (turf.optimizationMethod == 'Default' && turf.numberOfCombinations >= turf.thresholdNumberOfCombinations)
        builder.appendParagraph('A stochastic optimization algorithm was used to compute the optimal portfolios due to the large number of combinations that were evaluated in this TURF analysis.');
    // Creation timestamp
    builder.appendParagraph('Created: ' + new Date().toLocaleString());
    text_item.content = builder;
    log('A text item called ' + + ' has been added to the report.');
    return true;
    // Obtain alternative label given linked variable
    function getVariableLabel(variable) {
        for (var i = 0; i < number_of_alternatives; i++)
            if (turf_question.variables[i].name ==
               return alternative_labels[i];
function isQuestionPickAnyOrPickAnyGrid(question) {
    var q_type = question.questionType;
    return q_type == 'Pick Any' || q_type == 'Pick Any - Grid';
function isNotTurfQuestion(question) {
    return !'^' + turf_question_name + '(| \\d+)$');
function checkTwoOrMoreVariables(variables) {
    if (variables.length >= 2)
        return true;
    alert('There needs to be two or more variables.\n\nClick OK to reselect variables or Cancel to stop the script.');
    return false;
function checkTurfNotFailed(turf) {
    if (turf.failed) {
        alert('The inputs are not valid:\n\n' + turf.failureMessage + '\n\nClick OK to reselect alternatives or Cancel to stop the script.');
        return false;
    } else
        return true;
function checkLabelsNotDuplicate(labels) {
    if (labels.length <= 1)
        return true;
    for (var i = 1; i < labels.length; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
            if (labels[i] == labels[j]) {
                alert('The selected alternatives have labels that are identical or too similar to each other. Change the labels or select different alternatives.');
                return false;
    return true;
function checkMutuallyExclusiveAlternativesNotForced(forced_alternatives, mutually_exclusive_alternatives) {
    var both_forced_and_mutually_exclusive = [];
    var mutually_exclusive_alternatives_names = (x) { return; });
    forced_alternatives.forEach(function (x) {
        if (mutually_exclusive_alternatives_names.indexOf( != -1)
    if (both_forced_and_mutually_exclusive.length < 2)
        return true;
    else {
        alert('The selected mutually exclusive alternatives are not valid as they contain the following forced alternatives:\n\n' +
        return false;
// Tab separated columns that can be copied into Excel
function appendTabTable(builder, cells, style) {
    cells.forEach(function (row) {
        builder.appendParagraph(row.join(String.fromCharCode(9)), style);
// The first column often has long names that should be moved to the back
// to improve readability for tab tables
function moveColumnToLast(table, col) {
    var new_table = [];
    table.forEach(function (row) {
        var new_row = row;
        new_row.splice(col, 1);
    return new_table;

Prior to the 15th of December, 2015, this page was known as TURF - Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency ''Prior to the 3rd of August, 2016, this page was known as Multivariate - TURF (Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency)

See also