Category:Learning More About Q
Request a demonstration by clicking on the button at , or if your company has already had a trial, contact sales. If you wish, we can conduct a demonstration using your data.
A two week trial is available by clicking on the link on our website. If your company has previously had a trial please contact support to see if you are eligible for another trial.
Refer to Training for an overview of our paid and complimentary training programs.
Getting Started Guide
Check out the Getting started with Q series for an introduction to the most fundamental aspects of working in Q with a combination of guided examples and videos.
Video Training
For a more modular, self-paced learning experience, you can check out our Video Training page for a series of short videos covering the most basic and some advanced features of Q.
Video Library
The visual learner might check out our video library for specific How Tos and overviews of key functionality.
Online training modules
The software includes more than 100 Online Training modules which opens up a browser alongside Q to provide an interactive learning experience. An alternative to working through them all in order is to use one of the short courses at Self-Training Programs.
Q Wiki
This wiki contains detailed information about all aspects of Q. If you click on the categories shown on the left of the screen, you will see overviews of the core functions of Q. At the bottom of each of these pages you will find many links to related topics.
Q Blog
The Q Blog contains lots of helpful articles about using Q.
Q Cheatsheet
A condensed version of the documentation and how to get help is compiled in our cheat sheet quick reference guide here: Q Cheat Sheets.
In depth information on how to do specific analyses and general data services in Q and Displayr are contained in our repository of eBooks.
Recorded Webinars
Past webinars are recorded and available for viewing covering a plethora of topics including Text Analysis, TURF, Driver Analysis, PowerPoint Visuals, and Data Science.
Send us an email or give us a call.
If giving us a call, please keep in mind that we answer all emails and phone calls from customers and non-customers in the same order. If the phone goes through to voicemail it means we are probably helping an existing customer with a technical support email.
The homepage of our website contains short videos demonstrating key functionality of Q, as well as pricing information.
Further reading: Market Research Analysis Software
Pages in category "Learning More About Q"
The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.