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Some items listed below are visible depending on which of the Outputs Tab or the Variables and Questions tab is selected.


Undo Reverses the most recent action.


Redo Perform the most recent action again (i.e., reverses the undo).


Copy Copies the selection to Windows’ clipboard, permitting it to be pasted into Office or into another Q project.


Copy Special | As Picture Copies the selection to Windows’ clipboard as a picture (in bitmap and enhanced metafile formats), permitting it to be pasted into other applications.


Copy Special | Cells With Headers Copies the text from the selected cells to Windows’ clipboard, along with the column and row headings.


Copy Special | Variable Data as Labels Copies the raw data for the selected variables to Windows’ clipboard, permitting it to be pasted into Office or into another Q project. For large amounts of data, it is faster to use File | Export Selected Variables to Excel...


Paste Labels Pastes the text from the clipboard into the labels for the selected variables.


Find Locates the entered text in the current tab.


Save Table Saves a copy of the table shown to the Report on the left side of the screen.


New Filter Creates a new filter variable according to the cells you have selected in the table.


Change Case of Text Change the selected text to "UPPERCASE", "lowercase", "Alternating Case", or "Sentence case". This is available for categories on a table in the Outputs Tab, or variable labels in the Variables and Questions tab.


Table/Plot JavaScript Takes you to the Table or Plot JavaScript editor for this table or chart.


Move Selected Variables Reorders the selected variables in the Variables and Questions tab. This does not change the raw data.


Move Text Variables to Bottom Moves all variables with a type of "Text" to the bottom of the Variables and Questions tab.


Table Options Opens the Table Options dialog box for the selected table.


Project Options Opens the Project Options dialog box.


User Options Opens the User Options dialog box.