Calculation - Sum - Sum Each Row
This feature can be used to compute the sum of each row in an input table of data.
- First select a table containing data you wish to sum.
- Select Automate > Browse Online Library > Calculation > Sum Each Row.
Consider the following input table, a crosstab showing the respondent preferences for various cola brands by age.
To compute the total number of respondents that prefer each brand of cola, we can use this feature to obtain the following output.
Input The table to be used in the calculation.
Calculate for inputs with incomplete data If this option is checked, than any missing values the input will be ignored in the calculation. If unchecked, then missing values are not removed before calculation and will propagate as missing values in the output.
Rows to include This listbox shows all row labels in the input. The calculation will not performed for any rows whose labels are unselected here and they will not be shown in the output. By default the "SUM" and "NET" rows and columns are not shown in the output.
Columns to include As above, but for columns; any column labels unselected here will not be included in the output.
Technical Details
When Calculate for inputs with incomplete data is checked and the input to the calculation consists entirely of missing values, then the returned output value is set to missing data. Prior to 5th October, 2021 the returned output value was different in this situation. For example, consider the input into the calculation with the three values.
A | B | C |
NaN | NaN | NaN |
Then applying Sum Each Row to this input returned the value of zero before 5th October, 2021. After this date, the Sum Each Row function returns the output value of NaN.
How to apply this QScript
- Start typing the name of the QScript into the Search features and data box in the top right of the Q window.
- Click on the QScript when it appears in the QScripts and Rules section of the search results.
- Select Automate > Browse Online Library.
- Select this QScript from the list.
Customizing the QScript
This QScript is written in JavaScript and can be customized by copying and modifying the JavaScript.
Customizing QScripts in Q4.11 and more recent versions
- Start typing the name of the QScript into the Search features and data box in the top right of the Q window.
- Hover your mouse over the QScript when it appears in the QScripts and Rules section of the search results.
- Press Edit a Copy (bottom-left corner of the preview).
- Modify the JavaScript (see QScripts for more detail on this).
- Either:
- Run the QScript, by pressing the blue triangle button.
- Save the QScript and run it at a later time, using Automate > Run QScript (Macro) from File.
Customizing QScripts in older versions
includeWeb('QScript Functions for Calculations');
includeWeb('QScript Functions to Generate Outputs');
applySingleDimensionCalculationWithSelection('Sum', 'Row');
See also
- QScript for more general information about QScripts.
- QScript Examples Library for other examples.
- Online JavaScript Libraries for the libraries of functions that can be used when writing QScripts.
- QScript Reference for information about how QScript can manipulate the different elements of a project.
- JavaScript for information about the JavaScript programming language.
- Table JavaScript and Plot JavaScript for tools for using JavaScript to modify the appearance of tables and charts.