Visualization - Radar - Small Multiples Radar

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The Small Multiples - Radar Chart feature creates a panel of radar charts instead of overlaying the results on the same chart. Radar charts display multivariate data with three or more variables represented on axes that stem from a central point.


The following example shows the cola preferences of different genders. The visualization is based on the table below.

Create a Small Multiples Radar Chart in Displayr

1. Go to Insert > Visualization > Small Multiples > Radar Chart
2. Under Inputs > DATA SOURCE > Output in ‘Pages’, select your table from the dropdown menu

Object Inspector Options

The following is an explanation of the options available in the Object Inspector for this specific visualization. Refer to Visualization Options for general chart formatting options.

More Information

What are small multiples?
The psychology of small multiples


    "formChartType": "Radar",
    "formStackSeries": false,
    "formSmallMultiples": true,
    "formAsPercentages": false,
    "formScatterLabelType": "As hover text"