Visualization - Pictographs - Pictograph Bar
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The Pictograph Bar Chart displays a one-dimensional (single-row or single-column) table as a bar chart made up of multiple icons.
The following example shows the distribution of preferred colas among survey respondents.
Create a Pictograph Bar Chart in Displayr
- 1. Go to Insert > Visualization > Pictograph > Bar Chart
- 2. Under Inputs > DATA SOURCE > Output in ‘Pages’, select your table from the dropdown menu
- Note: If you don’t have a table, you can instead select variables from Inputs > DATA SOURCE > Variables in "Data"
Object Inspector Options
The following is an explanation of the options available in the Object Inspector for this specific visualization. Refer to Visualization Options for general chart formatting options.
- Icon The icon used to create the pictograph bar chart. If Custom icon is selected, an additional text fields Icon URL and Base icon URL will appear below.
- Icon URL The URL (internet address) of the image to be used for the icon. The image may be in a JPEG, PNG or SVG format and must accessible from the internet (e.g. in a public Dropbox folder).
- Base icon URL The URL of the image to be used for the unfilled icons. If left blank, unfilled icons will be hidden.
- Hide unfilled icons When selected, the unfilled icons are not shown.
- Total icons per bar Maximum number of icons to show in each bar (both filled and unfilled). If left blank this will be determined automatically by looking at the values in the supplied Input data and the Scale setting. This option is useful if there is a known total that should be shown. E.g, in the first example this is set to 10, but left blank in the second example above.
- Units per icon (scale) Value represented by a single icon. This should be a small value when the input data is small (0.1 in Example 1), or large value if the input data is large (500 in Example 2).
- Maximum icons per row A number controlling the number of icons allowed in a single row. When the number of icons is greater, subsequent icons will wrap onto a new row. e.g. in the second example, only 10 icons are shown per row.
- Direction of fill Choose whether icons fill from the left or the right. This will also determine the position of the axis labels.
- Icon color palette When built-in icons are used, the colors of the icons can be modified. By default, each bar of the chart is filled automatically with a different color of the selected palette. The options Custom color, Custom gradient, or Custom palette allow further customization. Specifically, when Custom palette is selected, the user can provide a comma-separated list of colors either as a name or hexadecimal (6 digits only). The length of this is not constrained. For example red,blue will color bars alternately, and in Example 1, this parameter was set to #3B5699,#1AB8E8,#3592BE,#EF2731,#E44D38.
- Icon base color Color of unfilled icons when base image is not hidden.
- Labels colored as icons When this option is selected, both the row labels and the data labels will be colored the same as the icons. By default, this is not selected and the labels will all be in a single color, specified with the Label color option.
- Fixed number of rows per bar When there are multiple rows of icons per bar and no base image is shown, the user can choose to set the spacing the of the bars so that the number of icon rows is fixed (default), or bars with fewer rows of icons will take up less vertical space (unfixed).
- Space between bars Numeric controlling the vertical spacing between bars.
- Show data label Control positioning of data labels. Options are No, Next to bar, Above/Below row label, or Above/Below icons.
More Information
"formChartType": "Bar Pictograph",
"formStackSeries": false,
"formSmallMultiples": false,
"formAsPercentages": false,
"formScatterLabelType": "As hover text"