Tables - Unhide Columns

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Unhides hidden columns in the currently-selected table.


  1. Select a table on your page
  2. Select UNHIDE ROWS AND COLUMNS > Unhide Columns
  3. You will be presented with a list of columns that have been hidden. Choose any that you want to unhide and click OK

Technical details

This tool cannot be used to unhide columns if the variable set selected in the Columns of the table:

  • Has the Structure of Text. Rows and columns of text data cannot be hidden.
  • Has the Structure of Date/Time. To choose which dates to include for data of this type, select the variable under Data Sets and then use Properties > GENERAL > Date/Time on the right.
  • Is a Banner. Data for banners is linked to the underlying questions. You will need to select the banner under Data Sets and then use Properties > DATA VALUES > Reset.
includeWeb("QScript Functions for Unhiding Codes");


See also