Table Selection Functions
This page contains the main QScript code for selecting rows and columns from tables, which is used by Tables - Select, Calculate - First, and Calculate - Last.
To make these functions available when writing a QScript or Rule see JavaScript Reference.
This is the main function used by the QScript Tables - Select. It works with tables the user has selected on their page and adds them as Inputs to Tables - Select Rows and Columns from Table. The one input default_selection_mode specifies which selection mode should be chosen as the default for the Inputs Select rows by and Select columns by for each table. See the documentation in Tables - Select for a full list of possible values, the default is "Selecting options below".
This function creates either Tables - Raw Data - Variables (when argument raw_table is true), or Tables - Descriptive Statistics otherwise, from whichever variables are selected by the user.
Source Code
includeWeb('QScript Utility Functions'); // for in Displayr
includeWeb('QScript R Output Functions'); // for generateUniqueRObjectName
includeWeb('QScript Table Functions'); // for recursiveGetAllTablesInGroup
includeWeb('QScript Selection Functions');// for getAllUserSelections and validTableOrTableLikeROutput
function selectFromTables(default_selection_mode = 'Selecting options below') {
if (Q.fileFormatVersion() < 20.00) {
let msg = 'Sorry, you must upgrade to a Q version >= 5.12 to use this feature.' +
'If you are unable to upgrade, you may instead use: ' +
' \'Create > Tables > Select Rows and Columns from Table\'.' +
'This will similiary insert a new output that you may use to select a subset' +
' of rows and columns to display for any of the tables in your project.';
return false;
let item_layout = determineItemLayout();
let selections = getAllUserSelections();
let raw_selections =;
let is_displayr = inDisplayr();
let valid_selections;
let group;
if (raw_selections.length === 0 || (raw_selections.length === 1 && selections.selected_pages.length === 1)) {
group = project.currentPage === undefined ? false : project.currentPage();
if (!group) {
if (!is_displayr)
group =;
else {
group =; = 'New page';
valid_selections = [];
}else {
selections = [].concat(selections.selected_tables, selections.selected_r_outputs);
valid_selections = splitArrayIntoApplicableAndNotApplicable(selections, validTableOrTableLikeROutput);
valid_selections = valid_selections.applicable;
if (valid_selections.length === 0) {
let msg = 'The current selections cannot be used with this feature. ' +
'Please click on the Tables and/or Calculations containing ' +
'tables to be selected from and rerun.';
return false;
if (valid_selections.length < raw_selections.length)
log('Some selections were not tables and have been ignored.');
group = valid_selections[0].group;
let prefilled_controls = {};
if (valid_selections.length > 1){
let table_names = prompt('Please enter names for the ' + valid_selections.length +
' selected tables, separated by commas.');
let cb = group.appendControl('Combobox'); = 0;
cb.left = 0;
cb.placeholderText = 'Select table to show...';
cb.selectionMode = 'SingleSelection';
cb.whenItemListChanges = 'KeepCurrentSelection';
cb.itemList = table_names.split(',');
cb.selectedItems = table_names.split(',').slice(0,1);
prefilled_controls['formTableNames'] = table_names;
prefilled_controls['formTableSelection'] = cb.guid;
for(let i = 0; i < valid_selections.length; i++) {
valid_selections.hiddenFromExportedViews = true;
prefilled_controls['formTable'+(i+1)] = valid_selections[i].guid;
prefilled_controls['formRowSelectorTbl'+(i+1)] = default_selection_mode;
prefilled_controls['formColSelectorTbl'+(i+1)] = default_selection_mode.replace('row', 'column');
addStandardRToCurrentPage('Tables - Select Rows and Columns from Table', prefilled_controls, item_layout);
return true;
function insertDataTable(raw_table = true) {
if (Q.fileFormatVersion() < 20.00) {
let msg = 'Sorry, you must upgrade to a Q version >= 5.12.0 to use this feature.' +
'If you are unable to upgrade, you may instead use: ' +
'\'Create > Tables > Raw Data - Variables\'.';
return false;
let displayr = inDisplayr();
let item_layout = determineItemLayout();
let selected_variables = getAllUserSelections().selected_variables;
let page = project.currentPage === undefined ? false : project.currentPage();
if (!page) {
if (!displayr)
page =;
else {
page =; = 'New page';
let prefilled_controls = {};
if (selected_variables.length > 0) {
if (!raw_table) { // warn users that text variables are ignored if found
let has_text_vars = selected_variables.some(v => v.question.questionType.includes('Text'));
if (has_text_vars)
log('Selected text variables have not been included in the output as the descriptive statistics ' +
'are not meaningful. Consider changing their type if appropriate.');
prefilled_controls['formVariables'] = => v.guid).join(';');
let page_name = raw_table ? 'Tables - Raw Data - Variables' : 'Tables - Descriptive Statistics';
let table = addStandardRToCurrentPage(page_name, prefilled_controls, item_layout);
if (Q.fileFormatVersion() > 8.65)[table]);
return true;