Visualization - Scatter - Small Multiples Scatter

The Scatter - Small Multiples Scatter feature creates a panel of scatterplots, grouping the plots based on a selected variable.
- 1. Go to Insert > Visualization > Scatter > Small Multiples Scatter
- 2. Under Inputs > DATA SOURCE > X coordinates, select the variable you wish to be displayed horizontally
- 3. Under Inputs > DATA SOURCE > Y coordinates, select the variables you wish to be displayed vertically
- 4. [OPTIONAL] Under Inputs > DATA SOURCE > Sizes and Colors, select variables to alter the sizes and colors of the dots.
- 5. Under Inputs > DATA SOURCE > Groups, select the variable used to divide your data into panels.
Object Inspector Options
The following is an explanation of the options available in the Object Inspector for this specific visualization. Refer to Visualization Options for general chart formatting options.
The expected input format to create a Small Multiples - Scatterplot is similar to for Scatterplots with multiple groups (colors variables treated as categories). In fact you should be able to toggle between these charts. The last column of the linked or pasted table will be converted to categories and used to separate the data into different panels. The remaining columns are used as the variables to control 1) x-coordinates, 2) y-coordinates, 3) scatter point sizes and 4) scatter point colors if they are present. If the data is input as variables, the Groups variable will be used to separate the data into different panels. If you have provided the data as a table instead of separate variables you can use COLUMN MANIPULATIONS > Columns to show to the table into the desired format (e.g. "1,3,2,3,3").
Input data contains y-values in multiple columns. When this is selected, the data in each column of the input table is treated as y-coordinates in a separate panel. The x-coordinates will be taken from the rownames of the table.
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