Tables - Table of Differences

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Compare two tables by comparing each cell in one table with the corresponding cell in the other table. The test that is used to compare cells between the two tables will be chosen based on:

  • Whether the tables contain percentages or averages.
  • Whether the data in the tables has been weighted.
  • Settings used in the Statistical Assumptions for this item. Please see below for the tests which are supported.

A number of different options are available for displaying significant values.


Technical Details

Statistical Tests

Only some of the tests used by QDisplayr's automated statistical testing on tables are supported by this tool. This is because some test results cannot be replicated without access to the raw data, and the Table of Differences only has access to the table statistics that are available on the input tables.

The following options are not supported:

  • Quantum and Survey Reporter tests.
  • Nonparametric tests for numeric data.
  • Nonparamteric tests for weighted proportions.
  • Tests of correlations.

If these options are chosen in the statistical assumptions, the Table of Differences will fall back to using z-Tests for proportions, and t-Tests for means.

The other settings from the Statistical Assumptions which are incorporated by the testing used in the Table of Differences testing are:

  • The Bessel's Correction for Proportions and Means tests.
  • The Extra deff design effect constant.

Using Rules

If one or both of the input tables have a Rule applied which weights the data (for example, Weight - Apply Weight to Column), then there is no way for the Table of Differences tool to know that the data has been weighted, and an unweighted test will be used.


Table 1 and Table 2 are the input tables to be compared. They are expected to have the same row and column names and the same primary statistic. The primary statistic can be one of "Average", "%", "Total %", "Column %" or "Row %". They must also have an appropriate cell statistics for Sample Size and Standard Error for the primary statistic used. For example when the primary statistic is "Column %", the input tables must also contain "Column n" and "Column Standard Error".

Show This option controls which values are shown in the output table. It does not affect the test statistic or p-values. It can be one of

Differences between Table 2 - Table 1.
Primary statistic of Table 2 with differences not shown but reflected by the shading options.
Primary statistic of Table 2 with differences with separate formatting controls for the primary statistic and the difference values.

Show significant values by shading in controls which element is shaded to reflect the p-values from the t-test performed on the two tables.

None No shading is applied
Cell colors Shading is applied to the cell fill color
Arrows Shading is applied to up/down arrows next to the cell value
Boxes Shading is applied to a box drawn around the cell text. Additional controls are associated with this option. A separate control for the border color is provided for each significance level and the border width, corner roundness, and padding around the box can be adjusted. Note that the padding is specified in terms of pixels, so if the size of the output does not provide have enough space to accommodate the box including its padding, the box will be truncated.

Number of significance levels controls the number of thresholds (and corresponding shades) are applied to the table.

Threshold Controls which cells are shaded. The threshold is compared against the p-values from the independent t-Tests.

Rows/Columns to ignore A comma-separated list of row/column names which should not be shown in the output table.

Font family The font family for all text in the table

Font size The font size of all text in the table.

Font units The units in which the font size is specified. This can be either "px" or "pt".

Number of decimals shown Separate controls are shown for the primary statistic and difference.

Prefix/Suffix Optional text to prepend or append to the primary statistic/difference.

Font family/color/size of primary statistic Font controls for the primary statistic and difference (separately). These will default font controls, but where they differ these controls to allow different fonts to be shown in different setting.

Automatically determine the font color Text will be automatically colored black or white depending on the background color. It takes into account the cell fill color, and conditional shading (both in cell color and box).

Show +/- sign on differences Always prepend differences with ‘+’ or ‘-‘.

Show legend Whether of nor to show a legend explaining the shaded cells/boxes/arrows in the footer of the table.

Show column/row headers Whether to show column/row headers for the table. In some cases, whether the Table of Differences is shown next to other visual elements, information about the row/column names may already be present.

Show borders around row/collumn headers By default, borders are only placed around the table cells, but they can be extended to include the header/row headers.

Row height automatically fills R output This is the default option. Users can adjust the spacing by dragging and resizing the output. Note, however, that if the table has many rows, then it may be better to set it to a fixed row height.

Row height The height of a row in the table (with no word wrap). This option is only shown if row height does not automatically fill R output. This value will be specified in terms of font units. By default it is 5 + font size. If there are too many rows to show, a scrollbar will be shown.

Column widths A column separated list of values (including units, e.g. "px", "pt", "%") specifying the widths of the column. Each value will be a single column starting from the left. The remaining columns with no specified widths will be equally sized to fill the remaining space. Note that the first value will be applied to the row headers (if they are shown).

Column header fill The color of the column header cells.

Row header fill The color of the row header cells containing the names of the profiling variables.

Cell fill The color of the cells (excluding row/column headers) and cells colored by conditional formatting.

Collapse borders Whether the borders of adjacent cells should be collapsed into a single line. This is default, but there is also the option to not collapse borders, in which case the ‘’’gap between rows’’’ or ‘’’gap between columns’’’ can be manually adjusted.

Border color The color of the border.

Border width The width of the border in pixels.


    "formOutput": "Table of Differences"