QScript Control

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A dashboard control created using INSERT > Control.


Increases or decreases the number of decimal places shown in the table or plot. This is equivalent to pressing the buttons in the toolbar to increase or decrease the number of decimal places shown.
deltaThe change in the number of decimal places shown.


Deletes a table, plot or sub-group.


Returns an array containing the variables, questions, tables, R items, or other items that are used when calculating this object. A Table object will return an array containing the questions it is a crosstab for, and any variables used as filters or weights. An ROutput object will return other ROutput objects used in its calculations. A JavaScript Variable object will return the variables referenced in its formula, etc.
recursiveOptional. If true then it will return all the objects that are normally returned, as well as all objects that those objects depend on, and so on.
Returns:Returns an array containing Question objects, Variable objects and AnalysisItem objects.


Whether two objects are the same.
Returns:true or false

exportToExcel(filename, options)

Exports an item or group to Excel. This method is currently only available in desktop Q.
filenameThe name of the exported file.
optionsAn optional dictionary of options to pass to the function. These map to the settings in the Table Options dialog when exporting in Q using the fast Excel export option:
table_style: The name of an Excel-based table style to use for the export. See the dropdown in the Q Excel export dialog for names - remove the spaces when used here.
notes: Text that appears as a comment in the first cell of every sheet.
hyperlink: A link applied if the project is uploaded as a Dashboard.
ignore_net_and_sum: Excludes the NET and SUM columns or rows from the exported table.
export_tables_as: When exporting multiple tables, how they should be laid out:
- OneWorksheetPerTable: each table is placed on a new worksheet.
- OneWorksheetPerGroup: tables in the same group are placed on the same worksheet.
- OneWorksheet: all tables are placed on a single worksheet.
how_count: For multiple tables on the same worksheet, how they should be spaced:
- BetweenTops: use a fixed number of rows between the tops of tables.
- FromBottomOfOneToTopOfNext: leave a number of rows between the bottom of one table and the top of the next.
num_rows_between_tables: The number of rows used by how_count
include_table_of_contents: Whether to include a table of contents
perform_statistical_test_of_independence: Whether to perform a statistical test of independence for the entire table (NB: this is in addition to the tests automatically shown on tables).
repeat_headings: Whether to repeat headings for each table.
show_significance_arrows: Whether to include significance arrows (when shown in table).
table_names_sequential: Whether to name tables sequentially (e.g. Table 1, Table 2, etc.).
show_column_comparisons_in_separate_row: Whether to show column comparisons in a separate row.
project.report.exportToExcel('output.xlsx', {
  table_style: 'TableStyleLight1',
  notes: 'Notes',
  include_table_of_contents: true,


Gets the number of decimal places shown in the table or plot for the specified statistic.
statisticThe statistic name in English.


Get the ReportGroup object that contains this table/plot/group.


Get the internal identifier for this object, which is unique for all objects in the Report.


Get/set the name for this object, as it appears in the Report.


Get/set the reference name for this object, that is used to reference this object in the source code of other objects.

setDecimalPlaceFor(statistic, place)

Sets the number of decimal places shown in the table or plot for the specified statistic.
statisticThe statistic name in English.
placeThe number of decimal places, which has to be an integer from 0 to 13.
setDecimalPlaceFor("Average", 1);


Gets/sets whether to show the percent sign next to percentages in the table or plot. Changing this property is equivalent to toggling the percent sign button in the toolbar.
table.showPercentSign = false; // percent signs will not be shown next to percentages in table.


Gets the Translations object for this item, allowing you to override the names used for (for example) statistics, NET, SUM, etc.
log(item.translations.get('Column n'));


Returns "Control".