Marketing - MaxDiff - Compare Models

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Compare the performance of multiple MaxDiff models by producing a table of metrics from each model.


To run the Compare Models function in Displayr, select Anything > Advanced Analysis > MaxDiff > Compare Models.
To run in Q, select Create > Marketing > MaxDiff > Compare Models.


MaxDiff models created in Displayr or Q are used as the inputs for the model comparison. The inputs are shown in the image below.

Input models At least 2 MaxDiff models.

Ensemble Whether to create an ensemble by taking the average of the respondent parameters across the models.

More information

See Comparing MaxDiff Models blog post for an example of comparing models.


var controls = [];
var modelsInput = form.dropBox({label: "Input models", types:["RItem:FitMaxDiff"], name: "formModels",
                               multi: true, required: true, min_inputs: 2,
                               prompt: "Select at least 2 MaxDiff models."});

var ensemble = form.checkBox({label: "Ensemble", name: "formEnsemble", default_value: false,
                              prompt: "Whether to create an ensemble of the models."});

if (ensemble.getValue()) {
    var output = form.comboBox({label: "Output", 
              alternatives: ["Comparison", "Ensemble"], name: "formOutput", default_value: "Comparison",
              prompt: "A table comparing the models, or histograms of ensemble respondent coefficients."});

var heading_text = 'Compare MaxDiff Models';
var plural_text = 'Comparisons of MaxDiff Models';
if (ensemble.getValue()) {
    heading_text = 'Ensemble of MaxDiff Models';
    plural_text = 'Ensembles of MaxDiff Models';

if (!!form.setObjectInspectorTitle)
    form.setObjectInspectorTitle(heading_text, plural_text);
comparison <- MaxDiffEnsemble(formModels,
                              get0("formOutput", ifnotfound = "Comparison"))

Further reading: MaxDiff software