Marketing - Brand Health Table

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VizIcon Brand Health Tables.svg

A brand health table is a table that shows the performance of brands on a series of 'health' metrics, such as awareness, consideration, and trial.


In Displayr, the brand health table is created by selecting Insert > More > Marketing > Brand Health Table.
In Q, select Create > Marketing > Brand Health Table.

The table below is an example of a brand health table, with the four input tables shown underneath.



The inputs used to generate the brand health table are shown in the image below.

Brandhealthtable inputs.PNG


Output The outputs - tables and R Outputs - to be used to create the brand health table.
Row name 1... Labels to be used for the rows of the table (by default, the labels are taken from the input tables).


Output When set to Stages, the original data from the inputs is shown. When set to Conversion, the ratios of adjacent rows are shown. When set to Stages and Conversion, both are shown.
Sort by How the table is sorted, from left to right (in descending order).
Show as How the table is formatted. Where applicable, additional color controls appear.


var heading_text = "Brand Health Table";
if (!!form.setObjectInspectorTitle)
    form.setHeading(heading_text);"DATA SOURCE");
var outputLabel = "Output";
var outputPrompt = "Outputs are tables or other Q or R outputs";
if ( Q.isOnTheWeb())
   outputLabel = "Data";
   outputPrompt = "Data is tables or other outputs in your Data Sources (bottom-left) or Report tree (top-left)";
var tables = form.dropBox({name: "formTables",
                           label: outputLabel, 
                           types: ['Table', "RItem:!StandardChart!SignificanceTest:!KMeans:!phraseList:!tidyText:!wordBag"], 
                           required: true, 
                           multi: true}).getValues();
var row_name_controls = [];
var n_tables = tables.length;
for (var i = 1; i < (1 + n_tables); i++)
    row_name_controls.push(form.textBox({label: "Row name " + i,
                  default_value: "",
                  prompt: "Enter a row label to override the label that appears on the table",
                  required: false,
                  name: "formRowName" + i}))"FORMAT");
var output = form.comboBox({label: "Output",
               name: "formOutput",
               default_value: "Stages",
               alternatives: ["Stages", "Conversion", "Stages and Conversion"]}).getValue();
var sort_alternatives = ["First table's order", "Alphabetic"];
var n_rows = output == "Stages" ? n_tables : (output == "Conversion" ? n_tables - 1 : n_tables * 2 - 1);
for (var i = 1; i < (n_rows + 1); i++)
    sort_alternatives.push("Row " + i);
form.comboBox({label: "Sort by",
               name: "formSort",
               default_value: sort_alternatives[n_tables == 0 ? 0 : 1],
               alternatives: sort_alternatives})
var show_as = form.comboBox({label: "Show as",
               name: "formShowAs",
               default_value: "Tiles",
               alternatives: ["Simple", "Numbers", "Bars", "Tiles"]}).getValue()
if (show_as == "Bars") {
    form.colorPicker({label: "Color",
         name: "formBaseColor",
                      default_value: "#8cc0ff"});
    let fixed_width = form.checkBox({label: "Fixed column width", name: "formFixedWidth",
                                     default_value: false}).getValue();
    if (fixed_width)
        form.numericUpDown({label: "Column width (pixels):", name: "formColumnWidth",
                            default_value: 100, increment: 1, minimum: 1, maximum: 1000});
}else if(show_as == "Tiles") {
    form.colorPicker({label: "Gradient start",
        name: "formBaseColor",
        default_value: "#B1CBEB"})
     form.colorPicker({label: "Gradient end",
             name: "formEndColor",
             default_value: "#3E7DCC"})
# Extracting inputs form the Inputs tab
output <- formOutput <- formShowAs
base.color <- get0("formBaseColor")
end.color <- get0("formEndColor")
row.names <- c(get0("formRowName1"), get0("formRowName2"), get0("formRowName3"), get0("formRowName4"), get0("formRowName5"), get0("formRowName6"), get0("formRowName7"), get0("formRowName8"), get0("formRowName9"), get0("formRowName10"))
initial.tables <- formTables <- formSort

# Row names
table.names <- gsub(".", "", names(formTables), fixed = TRUE)
question.names <- sapply(formTables, function(x)
    q <- attr(x, "questions")
    if (is.null(q))
    if (q[2] == "SUMMARY") q[1] else paste(q[1], "by", q[2])
row.names[row.names == ""] <- question.names[row.names == ""]
row.names[row.names == ""] <- table.names[row.names == ""]
    row.names[duplicated(row.names)] = paste0(row.names[duplicated(row.names)], "1")
# Checking that all tables contain only one column
n.columns <- sapply(initial.tables, NCOL)
if (max(n.columns) > 1)
    stop("Tables with multiple columns are not supported. Tables with multiple columns are: ",
         paste0(names(n.columns[n.columns > 1]), collapse = ", "))

# Creating the table
freq <-  table(unlist(sapply(initial.tables, verbs:::rowNames)))
brands <- names(freq[freq == length(initial.tables)])
if (length(brands) == 0)
    stop("There are no common row names in these tables; this analysis requires common row names.")
brands <- brands[!brands %in% c("Total", "NET", "Sum", "SUM")]
tables <- list()
for (i in seq_along(initial.tables))
    t <- initial.tables[[i]]
    tables[[i]] <- if (is.matrix(t)) t[brands, ] else t[brands]
x =, check.names = FALSE)), check.names = FALSE)

# Setting the row names
n.rows <- nrow(x)
n.row.labels <- length(row.names)
if (n.rows > n.row.labels)
    warning("To show more than 10 rows, you will need to modify the row.names line of the source R CODE")
row.i <- 1:min(n.rows, n.row.labels)
rownames(x)[row.i] <- row.names[row.i]

# If required, creating conversion
if (grepl("Conversion", output))
    if(n.rows == 1)
        stop("Conversion can only be computed with 2 or more input rows.")
    conv = x[-1, ] / x[-NROW(x), ] * 100
    rownames(conv) = paste0(rownames(x)[-1], "/", rownames(x)[-NROW(x)])
    x <- if(output == "Conversion") conv else rbind(x, conv)
# Sorting the table
if ( != "Alphabetic")
    if ( == "First table's order")
        table.1.names <- names(initial.tables[[1]])
        o <- table.1.names[table.1.names %in% colnames(x)]
    } else { <- as.matrix(x)
        i <- as.numeric(strsplit(, " ")[[1]][2])
        o <- order([i, ], decreasing = TRUE)
    x <- x[, o]

# Formatting the output  <- if ( == "Simple") x else {
    custom_color_tile <- function (...)
              style = function(x) style(display = "block",
                                        padding = "0 4px",
                                        `color` = "white",
                                        `border-radius` = "4px",
                                        `background-color` = csscolor(gradient(as.numeric(x),
    fw_color_bar <- function (color, fixed.width = 100, ...)
        formatter(.tag = "span", style = function(x)
            style(display = "inline-block", direction = "rtl", `border-radius` = "4px",
                  `padding` = "0px", `background-color` = csscolor(color),
                  width = paste(fixed.width*proportion(x),"px",sep="")))
    n.rows <- nrow(x)
    n.columns <- ncol(x)
    col.width <- get0("formColumnWidth", ifnotfound = 100)
    out <- formattable(x, align = "r", list(
        area(col = 1:n.columns) ~ function(x) percent(x / 100, digits = 0),
        if ( == "Tiles") area(col = 1:n.columns) ~ custom_color_tile(base.color, end.color),
        if ( == "Bars") ~ fw_color_bar(base.color, col.width)))
    if (get0("formFixedWidth", ifnotfound = FALSE))
        th.font.js.code <- paste0("function(settings, json) {$(this.api().table()",
                          ".header()).css({'font-family' : ",
                          "'Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif'});}")
        out <- DT::formatStyle(as.datatable(out, options = list(
                                  autoWidth = TRUE,
                                  scrollX = FALSE,
                                  dom = "",
                                  ordering = FALSE,
                                  columnDefs = list(list(className = "dt-right",
                                                         width = paste0(col.width, "px"),
                                                         targets = "_all")),
                                  initComplete = htmlwidgets::JS(th.font.js.code))),
                               colnames(x), target = "row",
                               backgroundColor = "#fff",
                               fontFamily = "Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif")
    attr(out, "ChartData") <- x

Further reading: MaxDiff software