Blanking Cells With Small Sample Sizes

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When the sample size of a column is less than ten, make the cells in the column blank and adds a footer explaining what it has done. It will also deal with situations where missing data causes the sample size of each column to vary by row.

This example can be run in C:\Program Files\Q\Examples\Cola.Q (this may be located on a different place on your computer depending upon how Q was installed). Create a table with Q2. Gender in the blue drop-down menu and Preferred cola in the brown drop-down menu.

var min_sample_size = 10
var column_ns = table.get('Column n');// Get column sample sizes.
var extra_footers = table.extraFooters;// Store the extra footnotes we generate for each blank column.
for (var column = 0; column < table.numberColumns; column++) {// loop through the columns
    for (var row = 0; row < table.numberRows; row++) {
	// Get the sample size for this cell
        var column_n = column_ns[row][column];
        // If the column's sample size is less than min_sample_size, make each cell in the column blank.
        if (column_n < min_sample_size) {
            table.blankCell(row, column);
            // Also, add a footnote that explains why some columns are missing.
             extra_footers.push('Column "' + table.columnLabels[column] 
             + " is blank because less than " + min_sample_size + " people were asked the question.");
// Set the extra footnotes.
table.extraFooters = extra_footers;

Note that:

  • This example will only work on tables that contain Column n.
  • To change the rule to reflect a sample size other than 10, replace 10 with your preferred minimum sample size.

See also