Licensing Guide
(Redirected from Transferable License)
There are three types of licenses for Q Professional:
- A Standard License allows you to install Q Professional on one computer and for one Named User to use Q Professional on that computer.
- A Transferable License allows you to install Q Professional for use by an unlimited number of Concurrent Users, but each Transferable License may only be used by one Concurrent User on one computer at any one time.
You can purchase multiple quantities of either type of license.
- A Trial License allows you and your colleagues to test the functionality of Q Professional for a limited number of time on multiple computers.
Standard License
To use a Standard License, you must:
- install a copy of Q Professional on the one computer on which the Standard License will be used;
- ensure that only one Named User uses Q Professional on that one computer;
- not use that Standard License for Q Professional on another computer (whether through remote access software or otherwise), unless you transfer that Standard License to the other computer in accordance with the following point;
- not regularly ‘swap’ or ‘transfer’ the Standard License to another computer or Named User. If you need to transfer your Standard License to another computer or Named User from time-to-time (for example, due to do the replacement of computer hardware or personnel changes), you can do so by following the steps at How to Move a Standard License to Another Machine; and
- not use Terminal Services – a Standard License does not work on Terminal Services.
A Named User is an individual whom you have identified to us as the user of the relevant license, in the manner we require from time to time.
See also
Transferable License
To use a Transferable License:
- Q Professional must be ‘checked out’ (over the Internet) when you want to use it; and,
- one Transferable License may only be checked out by one person at a time, like borrowing a book from a library. If you purchase two Transferable Licenses, it is like a library having two copies of a book to borrow.
- As a Transferable License costs approximately three times the price of a Standard License, Transferable Licenses are economically viable when your company has 4 people or more that do not need to use Q Professional at the same time; and
- A Transferable License may be used with Terminal Services.
A Concurrent User is a user authorized to use the Software concurrently with other Concurrent Users.
See also
Trial License
When you are using a Trial License:
- you and your colleagues may install Q Professional on multiple computers.
- you may use Terminal Services – however be aware that once your trial is complete you must purchase a Transferable License (a Standard License does not work on Terminal Services).
License agreement
Click here for the license agreement for using Q.