Table JavaScript Functions for Subtracting Calculations

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// Add a new row (column) to showing the difference of two user specified rows (columns)
function computeDifferencesAlongTwoIndices(by_columns) {
    includeWeb('Table JavaScript Utility Functions');
    includeWeb('JavaScript Array Functions');
    includeWeb('QScript Utility Functions');
    let col_labels = table.columnLabels;
    let row_labels = table.rowLabels;
    if (by_columns && !col_labels) {
        form.ruleNotApplicable("the table only has a single column");
    const dim = by_columns ? 'column' : 'row';
    const Dim = dim.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + dim.slice(1).toLowerCase();
    const dim_labels = by_columns ? col_labels : row_labels;
    // Create array of indices
    const dim_indices = ['First ' + Dim];
    let j = 1;
    let ord;
    for (i = dim_labels.length; i>=2; i--) {
        switch(i) {
            case 2: ord = 'nd'; break;
            case 3: ord = 'rd'; break;
            default: ord = 'th'
        let text = i + ord + ' Last ' + Dim;
        dim_indices[j] = text;
    dim_indices.push('Last ' + Dim);
    if (dim_labels == null || dim_labels.length < 2 || dim_indices == null || dim_indices.length < 2)
        form.ruleNotApplicable('table has only one ' + dim);
    const spans = by_columns ? table.columnSpans : table.rowSpans;
    if (spans.length > 0)
        form.ruleNotApplicable('table has ' + dim + ' spans');

    // Set up controls for user input.
    const rule_name = 'Difference Between a Pair of ' + Dim + 's';
    let label_statistic = form.newLabel('Statistic to use:');
    let valid_statistics = table.statistics.filter(function (statistic) {
        return statistic !== 'Column Comparisons' && statistic !== 'Column Names' &&
               statistic !== 'Columns Compared';
    if (valid_statistics.length === 0)
        form.ruleNotApplicable('there are no numeric statistics in this table');
    let valid_stats_translated = {
        try {
           return table.getTranslation(s);
        } catch(e) {
           return s;

    let desc = form.newLabel('Calculates the difference between two ' + dim + 's');
    desc.lineBreakAfter = true;

    let selection_method_label = form.newLabel('Select ' + dim + 's by: ');
    let selection_method = form.newComboBox('selectionMethod', ['Label', Dim + ' Position']);
    selection_method.lineBreakAfter = true;
    let by_label = selection_method.getValue() === 'Label';
    let combo_box_statistic = form.newComboBox('statistic', valid_stats_translated);
    combo_box_statistic.lineBreakAfter = true;
    let label_1 = form.newLabel(Dim + ' 1:');
    let options = by_label ? dim_labels : dim_indices;
    let combo_box_1 = form.newComboBox('combo1', options);
    let dim_label_1 = combo_box_1.getValue();
    let dim_labels_reduced = dim_labels.filter(item => item !== dim_label_1);
    let dim_indices_red = dim_indices.filter(item => item !== dim_label_1);
    let dim_indices_reduced = dim_label_1 === 'First ' + Dim ? dim_indices_red.slice(1) : dim_indices_red;
    let options_reduced = by_label ? dim_labels_reduced : dim_indices_reduced;
    let label_2 = form.newLabel(Dim + ' 2:');
    let combo_box_2 = form.newComboBox('combo2', options_reduced);
    combo_box_2.lineBreakAfter = true;
    let new_dim_label;
    let auto_label_check = form.newCheckBox('auto', 'Label new ' + dim + ' automatically');
    auto_label_check.lineBreakAfter = true;
    let controls = [desc, label_statistic, combo_box_statistic, selection_method_label, selection_method,
                    label_1, combo_box_1, label_2, combo_box_2, auto_label_check];
    if (!auto_label_check.getValue()) {
        let override_label = form.newLabel('New ' + dim + ' label');
        let override_text_box = form.newTextBox('newlabel');
        override_text_box.lineBreakAfter = true;
        new_dim_label = override_text_box.requireValue();
    let replace_box = form.newCheckBox('reptab', 'Replace table with difference');
    replace_box.lineBreakAfter = true;
    let missing_label = form.newLabel('Blank cells shown as: ');
    let missing_choice = form.newComboBox('missingChoice', ['Blank', 'NaN']);
    let dim_label_2 = combo_box_2.requireValue();
    let target_stat_translated = combo_box_statistic.requireValue(); // The statistic to use in the calculation
    let target_statistic = valid_statistics[valid_stats_translated.indexOf(target_stat_translated)];
    //Specify the position of the first and second index along the dim (indices begin at 0)
    let first_index, second_index;
    if(by_label) {
        first_index = by_columns ? table.columnIndex(dim_label_1) : table.rowIndex(dim_label_1);
        second_index = by_columns ? table.columnIndex(dim_label_2) : table.rowIndex(dim_label_2);
    } else {
        first_index = dim_indices.indexOf(dim_label_1);
        second_index = dim_indices.indexOf(dim_label_2);
        //Adjust for non- 'First row/column' index
        if (dim_label_1 !== 'First ' + Dim) first_index = first_index - 1;
        if (dim_label_2 !== 'First ' + Dim) second_index = second_index - 1;
    if (auto_label_check.getValue()) {
        let label_1 = by_columns ? col_labels[first_index] : row_labels[first_index];
        let label_2 = by_columns ? col_labels[second_index] : row_labels[second_index];
        new_dim_label = label_1 + ' - ' + label_2; // Specify the label of the new row/column (containing the differences)

    form.setSummary('Creates a new ' + dim + ' that is "' + dim_label_1 + '" minus "' + dim_label_2 + '"');
    let new_index;
    if (replace_box.getValue()) {
        new_index = first_index; // Filling in new values in existing row/column. Later delete all other rows/columns
        let labs = by_columns ? table.columnLabels : table.rowLabels;
        labs[new_index] = new_dim_label;
        table[by_columns ? 'columnLabels' : 'rowLabels'] = labs;
    } else {
        let last = second_index < first_index ? first_index : second_index;
        new_index = last + 1; // Index of the new row/column
        by_columns ? insertColumnAfterComplete(last, new_dim_label) : insertRowAfterComplete(last, new_dim_label); // Add a new row/column to store the differences
    let stats = table.get(target_statistic); // Obtain the array of statistics
    if (by_columns) {
        // Calculate the differences in the new column
        for (let j = 0; j < table.numberRows; j++)
            stats[j][new_index] = stats[j][first_index] - stats[j][second_index];
    } else {
        // Calculate the differences in the new row
        for (let j = 0; j < table.numberColumns; j++)
            stats[new_index][j] = stats[first_index][j] - stats[second_index][j];
    // Assign the new statistics back to the table
    table.set(target_statistic, stats);

    // Remove other columns if needed
    if (replace_box.getValue()) {
        if (by_columns) {
            moveColumnAfterComplete(new_index, table.numberColumns - 1);
            while (table.numberColumns > 1) {
        } else {
            moveRowAfterComplete(new_index, table.numberRows - 1)
            while (table.numberRows > 1)
    table.showMissingAs(missing_choice.getValue() === 'NaN' ? NaN : '');