QScript Functions for Removing Dont Know Categories

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This page is under construction. Its contents are only visible to developers!
// General purpose function for setting Dont Know categories as missing
// remove: boolean. If true, set DK categories as Missing Data 
//    If false, just recode DK categories to NaN.
// In Q, prompt the user to enter additional labels to identify as
// 'Don't know'. In Displayr do not prompt. (May be revised base on user
// feedback, but for now we want to avoid prompts.)
// If questions are identified to have more thab one 'Don't Know'
// category, the user will be alerted
function removeDKInSelection(remove) {
    includeWeb('QScript Utility Functions');
    includeWeb('QScript Value Attributes Functions');
    includeWeb('QScript Questionnaire Functions');
    includeWeb('QScript Selection Functions');
    includeWeb('JavaScript Array Functions');
    includeWeb('QScript Functions to Generate Outputs'); // For logQuestionList, generateGroupOfSummaryTables

    const web_mode = inDisplayr();
    const valid_types = ["Pick One", "Pick One - Multi", "Number", "Number - Multi"];

    let selected_questions;
    let extra_dk_strings;

    let wrong_type, not_applicable_questions;
    if (web_mode) { // On the web just take from what is selected.
        const user_selections = getAllUserSelections();
        selected_questions = user_selections.selected_questions.concat(user_selections.questions_in_rows_of_selected_tables);
        // Split out any selected questions that are of the wrong type
        let question_type_selection = splitArrayIntoApplicableAndNotApplicable(selected_questions, function (q) { return valid_types.indexOf(q.questionType) > -1; });
        wrong_type = question_type_selection.notApplicable;

        selected_questions = question_type_selection.applicable;
        // Split out questions that don't have a 'Dont Know' option
        let sorted_selection = splitArrayIntoApplicableAndNotApplicable(selected_questions, questionHasNonMissingDontKnowOption)
        selected_questions = sorted_selection.applicable;
        not_applicable_questions = sorted_selection.notApplicable;

        extra_dk_strings = [];
    } else {
        // Prompt the user to enter additional labels for DK options
        extra_dk_strings = promptForDKLabels();
        let selected_datafiles = dataFileSelection();
        // Get all Pick One and Pick One - Multi questions that look to have 'Dont Know' options
        let relevant_questions = getDKQuestionsWithUserEnteredLabels(
            (remove ? ["Pick One", "Pick One - Multi"] : valid_types), extra_dk_strings);
        if (relevant_questions.length == 0) {
            log("No appropriate questions found.");
            return false;
        // Ask the user which questions they want to change
        selected_questions = selectManyQuestions("Select the questions to modify:", relevant_questions).questions;

    // Set 'Dont Know' options in the selected questions as missing
    let questions_to_check = []; // Questions which may potentially need to be checked.
    let non_check_questions = [];
    selected_questions.forEach(function (current_question) {
        let current_value_attributes = current_question.valueAttributes;
        let current_unique_values = current_question.uniqueValues;
        let num_vals = current_unique_values.length;
        let labels = valueLabels(current_question);
        let change_counter = 0;
        for (var k = 0; k < num_vals; k++) {
            let v = current_unique_values[k];
            let label = current_value_attributes.getLabel(v); 
            if (isDontKnow(label) || containsSubstring(label, extra_dk_strings)) {
                if (remove)
                    current_value_attributes.setIsMissingData(current_unique_values[k], true);
                    setValueForVariablesInQuestion(current_question, v, NaN);

        if (change_counter > 1)
    if (web_mode) {
        if (questions_to_check.length > 0)
            logQuestionList("Some variable sets were identified to have more than one Don't Know category and should be checked:", questions_to_check);
        if (wrong_type.length > 0) {
            if (selected_questions.length > 0)
            logQuestionList("Could not remove \"Don't Know\" categories because data is the wrong type:", wrong_type);
        if (not_applicable_questions.length > 0) {
            if (selected_questions.length > 0 || wrong_type.length > 0)
            logQuestionList("Could not find a \"Don't Know\" option:", not_applicable_questions);
    } else {
        let new_group_name = remove ? "Questions with 'Don't Know' options removed" : "Recoded Questions";
        let new_group = generateGroupOfSummaryTables(new_group_name, non_check_questions); 
        log("Recoded questions have been added to a group in your Report: " + new_group_name);
        if (questions_to_check.length > 0) {
            let check_group_name = "Questions to check";
            log("Some questions appear to have more than one Don't Know category and should be checked. These have been placed in the group: " + check_group_name);
            generateSubgroupOfSummaryTables(check_group_name, new_group, questions_to_check);
    return true;