QScript Functions for Moving Variables

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includeWeb('QScript Selection Functions'); // for requestOneDataFileFromProject
includeWeb('QScript Utility Functions');   // for inDisplayr

// tag_type: string for the variable type to move, one of either filter, hidden or weight
// position: string, either top or bottom
moveTaggedVariablesToTopOrBottom = function(tag_type = 'Filter', position = 'top') {
    let data_file = requestOneDataFileFromProject(last_as_default = false);
    const allowed_tag_types = ['Filter', 'Hidden', 'Weight'];
    let all_questions = data_file.questions;
    if (!allowed_tag_types.includes(tag_type))
        throw new UserError('Possible tag types are "' + allowed_tag_types.join('", "') + '" ');
    let all_relevant_questions = all_questions.filter(vs => vs['is' + tag_type]);
    let data_file_name = data_file.name;
    if (all_relevant_questions.length === 0)
        log(correctTerminology('No ' + tag_type + ' questions found in the ' + data_file_name + ' Data Set'));
    else {
        let relevant_array = getVariablesFromQuestions(all_relevant_questions);
        if (!['top', 'bottom'].includes(position))
            throw new UserError('Possible position arguments are top or bottom');
        let final_position = position === 'top' ? null : data_file.variables[data_file.variables.length - 1];
        data_file.moveAfter(relevant_array, final_position);
        if (!inDisplayr())
            let variable_tag = tag_type === 'filter' ? tag_type : (tag_type + ' variable');
            variable_tag = variable_tag.toLowerCase();
            variable_tag += relevant_array.length === 1 ? '' : 's';
            log('Moved ' + relevant_array.length + ' ' + variable_tag + ' to the ' + position +
                ' in the Variables and Questions tab for ' + data_file_name + '.');