QScript Functions for Calculations
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includeWeb('QScript Utility Functions');
includeWeb('QScript R Output Functions');
const VALID_ROUTPUT_CLASSES = ['numeric','integer','logical','factor','matrix','array','data.frame','table'];
const INVALID_VARIABLE_SET_TYPES = ['Text', 'Text - Multi', 'Date/Time'];
function determineVariableSelectionTypes(selections) {
if (selections.every(selection => selection.type === 'Variable'))
return 'all variables';
if (selections.every(selection => selection.type === 'Question'))
return selections.length > 1 ? 'all variable sets' : 'single variable set';
return 'mixed';
function determineMatchingArg(variable_selection_types, selections) {
if (variable_selection_types === 'all variable sets')
return 'c(rows = "No", columns = "Yes - show unmatched")';
if (variable_selection_types === 'single variable set')
return '"No"';
let possible_labels = selections.map(item => {
return item.type === 'Question' ? deduceVariableLabelsInVariableSet(item) : [item.label];
let common_labels = possible_labels.reduce((first, second) => first.filter(item => second.includes(item)));
if (common_labels.length === 0)
return '"No"';
return 'c(rows = "No", columns = "Yes - show unmatched")';
// This function should only be called if the selections are all multi variable variable sets or
// are a mix of single variables and multi variable variable sets
function matchVariableSetsInRCode(operator, selections, variable_selection_types) {
let selection_names = selections.map(determineRVariableSetName);
let boolean_operator = ['Count', 'AnyOf', 'NoneOf'].includes(operator);
let missing_name = boolean_operator ? 'ignore.missing' : 'remove.missing';
let warn_code = boolean_operator ? '' : 'input.args[["warn"]] <- warn';
let matching_arg = determineMatchingArg(variable_selection_types, selections);
let match_labels = matching_arg !== '"No"';
let variable_sets = selections.filter(x => x.type === 'Question');
let original_nets = uniq(variable_sets.map(deduceOriginalNets).flat());
original_nets = original_nets.length > 1 ? 'c("' + original_nets.join('", "') + '")' : '"' + original_nets[0] + '"';
let r_code = `\ninput.args <- list(${selection_names.join(', ')})`;
if (variable_selection_types === 'all variable sets') {
let var_labels = selections.map(item => deduceVariableLabelsInVariableSet(item, true));
var_labels = var_labels.map(labs => 'c("' + labs.map(str => str.replace('"', '\\"')).join('", "') + '")');
r_code += `
original.variable.labels <- list(${var_labels.join(',\n ')})
input.args <- CheckInputVariableLabelsChanged(input.args, original.variable.labels, function.name = "${operator}")
} else {
if (match_labels)
r_code += `
singleVariableAsDataFrame <- function(x) {
if (!verbs:::isVariable(x)) return(x)
y <- as.data.frame(x)
var.label <- attr(x, "label")
if (is.null(var.label))
var.label <- attr(x, "name")
colnames(y) <- var.label
input.args <- lapply(input.args, singleVariableAsDataFrame)
let variable_set_index = selections.findIndex(x => x.type === 'Question');
let var_labels = deduceVariableLabelsInVariableSet(selections[variable_set_index]);
var_labels = 'c("' + var_labels.join('", "') + '")';
r_code += `
original.variable.labels <- ${var_labels}
if (!setequal(GetVariableSetLabels(input.args[[${variable_set_index}]]), original.variable.labels))
stop("The original variable set, ${selection_names[variable_set_index - 1]}, used when the variable was ",
"first created with ", sQuote("${operator}"), " has changed. This is likely due to variable labels ",
"changing. Delete this constructed variable set and re-run the ", sQuote("${operator}"),
" with the appropriate variables selected.")
input.args[[${variable_set_index}]] <- subset(input.args[[${variable_set_index}]], select = ${var_labels})
r_code += `
input.args[["${missing_name}"]] <- ${missing_name}
input.args[["match.elements"]] <- ${matching_arg}
input.args[["remove.columns"]] <- ${original_nets}
return r_code;
function variadicOperatorOnVariablesRCode(operator = 'Sum', selections)
let variable_selection_types = determineVariableSelectionTypes(selections);
let r_code = `library(verbs)
remove.missing <- startsWith(formRemoveMissing, "Yes")
warn <- if (endsWith(formRemoveMissing, "(show warning)")) TRUE else "MuffleMissingValueWarning"
let variance_op = operator.startsWith('Variance') || operator.startsWith('Standard Deviation');
let sample_code = variance_op ? (`sample = formCalculationFormula == "Sample",`) : '';
if (['all variables', 'single variable set'].includes(variable_selection_types)) {
let function_name;
case 'Minimum':
case 'Maximum':
function_name = operator.slice(0,3) + 'EachRow';
function_name = operator.replace(' ', '') + 'EachRow';
let function_call = generateDefaultCalculationOutputName(operator, 'variables');
function_call += ` <- ${function_name}(`;
let white_space = ' '.repeat(function_call.length);
sample_code = `\n${white_space}${sample_code}`;
r_code += `
n.variables <- length(formInputs)
all.variables <- if (n.variables > 1L) QDataFrame(formInputs, check.names = FALSE) else formInputs[[1L]]
${white_space}remove.missing = remove.missing,
${white_space}remove.columns = NULL,
${white_space}warn = warn)`;
return r_code;
r_code += matchVariableSetsInRCode(operator, selections, variable_selection_types);
if (variance_op) {
r_code += `input.args[["sample"]] <- formCalculationFormaula == "Sample"`;
if (['Minimum', 'Maximum'].includes(operator))
operator = operator.slice(0,3);
r_code += `do.call(${operator}, input.args)`;
return r_code;
function mathOperatorOnVariablesRCode(operator = 'Divide', selections)
let variable_name;
let args;
case 'Divide':
variable_name = 'divided.variable';
args = ['numerator', 'denominator'];
case 'Multiply':
variable_name = 'multiplied.variable';
args = ['multiplicand', 'multiplier'];
case 'Subtract':
variable_name = 'subtracted.variable';
args = ['minuend', 'subtrahend'];
let function_call = variable_name + ' <- ' + operator + '(';
let white_space = ' '.repeat(function_call.length) ;
function_call += args.join(', ') + ',\n';
let cap_names = args.map(name => name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1));
let r_code = 'library(verbs)\n';
let variable_selection_types = determineVariableSelectionTypes(selections);
if (variable_selection_types === 'all variables')
let combo_choices = cap_names.map(name => 'formCombo' + name).join(', ');
n_cases = selections[0].type === 'Variable' ? selections[0].question.dataFile.totalN : selections[0].dataFile.totalN;
r_code += `
${args[0]} <- if (formCombo${cap_names[0]} == "Single numeric value") as.numeric(formSingle${cap_names[0]} ) else form${cap_names[0]}
${args[1]} <- if (formCombo${cap_names[1]} == "Single numeric value") as.numeric(formSingle${cap_names[1]} ) else form${cap_names[1]}
combo.choices <- c(${combo_choices})
if(all(combo.choices == "Single numeric value"))
warning("The same single value from the calculation was used in all cases in the output variable")
${args[0]} <- rep(${args[0]}, ${n_cases})
${args[1]} <- rep(${args[1]}, ${n_cases})
${white_space}remove.rows = NULL, remove.columns = NULL,
${white_space}match.elements = "No", warn = TRUE)`;
} else
let selection_names = selections.map(determineRVariableSetName);
if (!allSelectionNamesValid(selections, selection_names, operator))
return false;
let n_selections = selections.length;
let two_variable_sets = n_selections === 2 && variable_selection_types === 'all variable sets';
let matching_setting = two_variable_sets ? '"Yes"' : '"No"';
let r_arguments = selection_names.map((name, index) => args[index] + ' <- ' + name + '\n');
if (n_selections === 1)
r_arguments.push(`${args[1]} <- as.numeric(formSingle${cap_names[1]})\n`);
r_code += r_arguments.join('') + '\n';
let variable_nets = '"NET", "SUM", "Total"';
if (two_variable_sets)
let var_labels = selections.map(item => deduceVariableLabelsInVariableSet(item, true));
var_labels = var_labels.map(labs => 'c("' + labs.map(str => str.replace('"', '\\"')).join('", "') + '")');
r_code += `
input <- list(${args[0]} = ${args[0]}, ${args[1]} = ${args[1]})
original.variable.labels <- list(${args[0]} = ${var_labels[0]},
${args[1]} = ${var_labels[1]})
input <- CheckInputVariableLabelsChanged(input, original.variable.labels, function.name = "${operator}")
${args[0]} <- input[["${args[0]}"]]
${args[1]} <- input[["${args[1]}"]]
let potential_nets = selections.map(deduceOriginalNets).flat();
if (potential_nets.length > 0)
variable_nets = '"' + potential_nets.join('", "') + '"';
r_code += `
${white_space}remove.rows = NULL, remove.columns = c(${variable_nets}),
${white_space}match.elements = ${matching_setting}, warn = TRUE)`;
return r_code;
function stringContainsNBSP(text)
let seen_nbsp = false;
for (let x = 0; x < text.length; x++)
if (text.charCodeAt(x) === 160)
seen_nbsp = true;
return seen_nbsp;
function allSelectionNamesValid(selections, selection_names, operator)
let n = selections.length
let all_valid = true;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (stringContainsNBSP(selection_names[i]))
all_valid = false;
let var_str = selections[i].type === 'Variable' ? 'Variable' : 'Variable Set';
msg = `The selected ${var_str} labelled "${selection_names[i]}" has a non-breaking space ` +
`character (unusual space). The non-breaking space character(s) needs to be removed before ` +
`${operator} can be calculated. Rename the ${var_str} by replacing or removing the ` +
`non-breaking spaces before attempting to recalculate using the current selections again.`;
return all_valid;
function countOperatorOnVariablesRCode(operator, selections)
let r_code = `library(verbs)
numeric.values <- get0("formNumericValues", ifnotfound = NULL)
ignore.missing <- get0("formIgnoreMissing", ifnotfound = FALSE)
categorical.input <- get0("formCategoricalLabels", ifnotfound = NULL)
// Convert "Any of" to "AnyOf" and "None of" to "NoneOf" for the R function call.
switch (operator)
case 'Any of':
operator = 'AnyOf';
case 'None of':
operator = 'NoneOf';
let variable_selection_types = determineVariableSelectionTypes(selections);
if (['all variables', 'single variable set'].includes(variable_selection_types)) {
let function_call = `${generateDefaultCalculationOutputName(operator, 'variables')} <- ${operator}EachRow(`;
let white_space = ' '.repeat(function_call.length);
r_code += `
n.variables <- length(formInputs)
all.variables <- if (n.variables > 1L) QDataFrame(formInputs, check.names = FALSE) else formInputs[[1L]]
categorical.labels <- if (!is.null(categorical.input)) ParseCategoricalLabels(categorical.input, all.variables)
elements.to.count <- list(numeric = numeric.values,
categorical = categorical.labels)
${white_space}elements.to.count = elements.to.count,
${white_space}ignore.missing = ignore.missing,
${white_space}warn = TRUE)`;
return r_code;
r_code += matchVariableSetsInRCode(operator, selections, variable_selection_types);
r_code += `
n.inputs <- ${selections.length}L
categorical.labels <- if (!is.null(categorical.input)) ParseCategoricalLabels(categorical.input, input.args[1:n.inputs])
elements.to.count <- list(numeric = numeric.values,
categorical = categorical.labels)
input.args[["elements.to.count"]] <- elements.to.count
return r_code + `do.call(${operator}, input.args)`;
function calculateVariableRCode(operator = 'Sum', selections)
includeWeb('QScript R Output Functions');
let r_code;
case 'Sum':
case 'Average':
case 'Maximum':
case 'Minimum':
case 'Standard Deviation':
case 'Variance':
r_code = variadicOperatorOnVariablesRCode(operator, selections);
case 'Any of':
case 'Count':
case 'None of':
r_code = countOperatorOnVariablesRCode(operator, selections);
case 'Divide':
case 'Multiply':
case 'Subtract':
r_code = mathOperatorOnVariablesRCode(operator, selections);
return r_code;
function variadicOperatorOnVariablesJSCode(operator, selections)
let js_code = '';
let variable_selection_types = determineVariableSelectionTypes(selections);
if (['all variables', 'single variable set'].includes(variable_selection_types)) {
js_code += `
form.dropBox({name: 'formInputs',
label: 'Variables',
duplicates: true,
types: ['Variable:Numeric,Categorical,OrderedCategorical,Money'],
prompt: 'Input variables that are not text or date variables'});
js_code += `
form.comboBox({name: 'formRemoveMissing',
alternatives: ['Yes (show warning)', 'No', 'Yes'],
label: 'Calculate for cases with incomplete data',
prompt: 'If set to \\'Yes\\', any missing values are removed from the data before the calculation occurs. ' +
'If set to \\'No\\', cases with any missing values will be assigned a missing value. ' +
'Cases whose values are entirely missing, will always be assigned a missing value ' +
'regardless of this setting.',
default_value: 'Yes (show warning)'});
if (operator.startsWith('Variance') || operator.startsWith('Standard Deviation'))
let operator_label = operator.startsWith('Variance') ? 'Variance' : 'Standard Deviation';
js_code += `
form.comboBox({name: 'formCalculationFormula',
label: '${operator_label} formula',
alternatives: ['Population', 'Sample'],
prompt: 'Divides by n in the population formula or (n - 1) in the sample formula',
default_value: 'Sample'});
js_code += `form.setHeading('${operator}');`;
return js_code;
function mathOperatorOnVariablesJSCode(operator = 'Divide', selections)
let arg_names;
let label_names;
case 'Divide':
arg_names = ['Numerator', 'Denominator'];
label_names = ['Divide the', 'by the'];
case 'Multiply':
arg_names = ['Multiplicand', 'Multiplier'];
label_names = ['Multiply the', 'by the'];
case 'Subtract':
arg_names = ['Minuend', 'Subtrahend'];
label_names = ['From the', 'Subtract the'];
let default_value = operator === 'Subtract' ? '0' : '1';
let js_code;
let all_variables = !!selections && selections.every(selection => selection.type === 'Variable');
if (all_variables)
js_code = `
const ALLOWED_VAR_TYPES = ['Numeric', 'Categorical', 'Ordered Categorical', 'Money'];
let allowed_vars = ALLOWED_VAR_TYPES.join(', ');
let input_structure = {'names': ['${arg_names[0]}', '${arg_names[1]}'],
'labels': ['${label_names[0]}', '${label_names[1]}']};
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++)
let name = input_structure['names'][i];
let label = input_structure['labels'][i];
let combo_control = form.comboBox({name: 'formCombo' + name, label: label,
alternatives: ['Variable', 'Single numeric value'],
default_value: 'Variable',
prompt: 'Choose a variable in the dataset or specify a single value'});
if (combo_control.getValue() === 'Single numeric value')
form.textBox({name: 'formSingle' + name, label: '', type: 'number',
default_value: ${default_value},
error: 'The ' + name + ' here cannot be empty and must be a single numeric value',
prompt: 'The single value to be used in the calculation'});
} else
let data_input_control = form.dropBox({name: 'form' + name, label: '',
types: ['Variable: ' + allowed_vars],
error: 'Please select an input variable.',
multi: false, prompt: 'Input Variable'});
} else if (selections.length === 1)
js_code = `
form.textBox({name: 'formSingle${arg_names[1]}',
label: 'The single numeric value to ${operator} by', type: 'number',
default_value: ${default_value},
error: 'The ${arg_names[1]} here cannot be empty and must be a single numeric value',
prompt: 'The single value to be used in the calculation'});
return js_code;
function countOperatorOnVariablesJSCode(operator, selections)
let js_code = `let user_inputs = [];
const ALLOWED_TYPES_FOR_LISTBOX = ['Nominal', 'Nominal - Multi',
'Ordinal', 'Ordinal - Multi'];
function uniq(a) {
var seen = {};
return a.filter(function(item) {
return seen.hasOwnProperty(item) ? false : (seen[item] = true);
let selected_variables = [];
let categorical_variables = [];
let numeric_variables = [];
let variables_selected = false;
let operation_in_prompts;
case 'Any of':
operation_in_prompts = 'included';
case 'Count':
operation_in_prompts = 'omitted';
case 'None of':
operation_in_prompts = 'counted';
let variable_set_selection_type = determineVariableSelectionTypes(selections);
if (['all variables', 'single variable set'].includes(variable_set_selection_type)) {
js_code += `
user_inputs = form.dropBox({name: 'formInputs',
label: 'Input Variable(s)',
duplicates: true,
types: ['Variable: Numeric, Categorical, Ordered Categorical, Money'],
multi: true,
prompt: 'Input Variables'}).getValues();
let all_variables = selections.map(item => item.type === 'Question' ? item.variables.flat() : item).flat();
let defaults = determineDefaultInputsForCountOperators(all_variables);
if (variable_set_selection_type === 'all variables') {
js_code += `
if (user_inputs.length > 0)
let selected_guids = user_inputs.map(selection => selection.guid);
} else {
js_code += `
if (true)
let selected_guids = ['${all_variables.map(variable => variable.guid).join("', '")}'];
js_code += `
var all_variables = project.dataFiles.map(dat => dat.variables).flat();
selected_variables = all_variables.filter(variable => selected_guids.includes(variable.guid));
selected_variables.forEach(variable => {
if (ALLOWED_TYPES_FOR_LISTBOX.includes(variable.question.variableSetStructure))
let has_categorical_labels = categorical_variables.length > 0;
let categorical_listbox;
let counting_missing_values = false;
if (has_categorical_labels)
form.group('Categories to count (Categorical Variables)');
let categorical_textbox = form.textBox({name: 'formCategoricalLabels', label: 'Categorical labels',
required: true,
default_value: '${defaults["categorical"]}',
prompt: 'Specify the categories to be ${operation_in_prompts} ' +
'when creating the output variable as a semi colon or ' +
'comma separated list. E.g. Apples; Oranges or '+
'Apples, Oranges.'}).getValue();
categorical_textbox = categorical_textbox.split(',').map(txt => txt.trim());
if (categorical_textbox.length > 0)
counting_missing_values = categorical_textbox.includes('NA');
let has_numeric_variables = numeric_variables.length > 0;
let values_to_count = [];
let unique_values;
if (has_numeric_variables)
form.group('Values to count (Numeric Variables)');
values_to_count = form.textBox({name: 'formNumericValues',
label: 'Values to count',
default_value: '${defaults['numeric']}',
prompt: 'Specify the values to be ${operation_in_prompts} when creating the ' +
'output variable. E.g. NA, Inf, 1-3, 5, 6, <=-1, >15'}).getValue();
if (!!values_to_count)
values_to_count = values_to_count.split(',');
values_to_count = values_to_count.map(values => values.trim());
counting_missing_values = counting_missing_values || (!!values_to_count && values_to_count.includes('NA'));
if (!counting_missing_values)
label:'Calculate for cases that have incomplete data',
prompt:'Allow calculation to proceed even if there are cases with missing values',
default_value: true});
return js_code;
function calculateVariableJSCode(operator = 'Sum', selections = null)
let js_code;
case 'Average':
case 'Maximum':
case 'Minimum':
case 'Sum':
case 'Standard Deviation':
case 'Variance':
js_code = variadicOperatorOnVariablesJSCode(operator, selections);
case 'Any of':
case 'Count':
case 'None of':
js_code = countOperatorOnVariablesJSCode(operator, selections);
case 'Divide':
case 'Multiply':
case 'Subtract':
js_code = mathOperatorOnVariablesJSCode(operator, selections);
return js_code;
function uniq(a) {
var seen = {};
return a.filter(function(item) {
return seen.hasOwnProperty(item) ? false : (seen[item] = true);
function extractQuestionsWithValidStructure(selected_variable_sets, operator, max_n_valid)
let invalid_variable_sets = [];
selected_variable_sets = selected_variable_sets.filter(variable_set => {
let variable_set_structure = variable_set.variableSetStructure;
let invalid_variable_set = INVALID_VARIABLE_SET_TYPES.includes(variable_set_structure);
if (invalid_variable_set)
return !invalid_variable_set;
let n_valid_variable_sets = selected_variable_sets.length;
let all_invalid_variable_sets = selected_variable_sets.length === 0;
let n_variables = selected_variable_sets.map(variable_set => variable_set.variables.length);
let single_variables_selected = n_variables.every(variable_length => variable_length === 1);
let structure_name = single_variables_selected ? 'variable' : 'Variable Set';
if (invalid_variable_sets.length > 0)
let invalid_types = uniq(invalid_variable_sets.map(variable_set => variable_set.variableSetStructure)).join(` and `);
let invalid_names = invalid_variable_sets.map(variable_set => variable_set.name).join(`, `);
let msg;
if (all_invalid_variable_sets)
let appropriate_vars = `Number, Categorical, Ordered Categorical or Money`;
let msg_suffix = `. Please select ${structure_name}s containing ${appropriate_vars} variables to use ${operator}.`;
if (invalid_variable_sets.length == 1)
msg = `The selected ${structure_name} ${invalid_names} is a ${invalid_types} ${structure_name} and ` +
`is not appropriate to use in ${operator}${msg_suffix}`;
msg = `All of the selected ${structure_name}s are ${invalid_types} ${structure_name}s and are not ` +
`appropriate to use in ${operator}${msg_suffix}`;
} else
let single_invalid = invalid_variable_sets.length === 1;
let is_are = single_invalid ? ` selected is` : `s selected are`;
let has_have = single_invalid ? `has` : `have`
msg = `The ${invalid_types} ${structure_name + is_are} not appropriate to use in ${operator} and `+
`${has_have} been removed from the calculation.`;
if (n_valid_variable_sets > max_n_valid)
selected_variable_sets = [0, 1].map(i => selected_variable_sets[i]);
warnAboutOnlyTwoSelections(structure_name, operator);
return selected_variable_sets;
function warnAboutOnlyTwoSelections(structure_name, operator)
let msg = `Only two ${structure_name}s can be used in ${operator}. The first two have been used in the ` +
`output variable and the other selections ignored.`;
function extractValidVariables(selected_variables, operator)
let invalid_vars = [];
selected_variables = selected_variables.filter(variable => {
let var_type = variable.variableType;
let invalid_var = var_type === 'Text' || var_type === 'Date';
if (invalid_var)
return !invalid_var;
let all_invalid_variables_selected = selected_variables.length === 0;
if (invalid_vars.length > 0)
let invalid_types = uniq(invalid_vars.map(variable => variable.variableType)).join(' and ');
let bad_names_and_labels = invalid_vars.map(variable => variable.label + ' (' + variable.name + ')').join(', ');
let msg;
if (all_invalid_variables_selected)
if (invalid_vars.selected == 1)
msg = `The selected variable ${bad_names_and_labels} is a ${invalid_types} variable and ` +
`is not appropriate to use in ${operator}.`;
msg = `All of the selected variables are either Text or Date variables and are not appropriate ` +
`to use in ${operator}. Please select 'Number, Categorical, Ordered Categorical or Money'` +
`to use in ${operator}.`;
} else
let var_msg = invalid_vars.length === 1 ? ' variable selected is' : ' variables selected are';
msg = `The ${invalid_types + var_msg} not appropriate to use in ${operator} and have been removed ` +
`from the calculation.`;
return selected_variables;
function determineVariableName(operator, variable_names, data_file)
let operator_name;
case 'Any of':
operator_name = 'any';
case 'Average':
operator_name = 'avg';
case 'Count':
operator_name = 'count';
case 'Divide':
operator_name = 'division';
case 'Maximum':
operator_name = 'max';
case 'Minimum':
operator_name = 'min';
case 'Multiply':
operator_name = 'multiplication';
case 'None of':
operator_name = 'none';
case 'Standard Deviation':
operator_name = 'stddev';
case 'Subtract':
operator_name = 'subtraction';
case 'Sum':
operator_name = 'sum';
case 'Variance':
operator_name = 'variance';
operator_name += '_of_';
let new_variable_name = variable_names.join('_');
new_variable_name = new_variable_name.startsWith(operator_name) ? new_variable_name : operator_name + new_variable_name;
new_variable_name = preventDuplicateVariableName(data_file, new_variable_name, '_');
return new_variable_name;
// Extract either the name or label property
// Expected input is either a Question or Variable.
// For questions it returns the question name.
// For a variable it will return the label except in the case the label is blank
// where the variable name is used instead.
function determineOutputLabel(selection)
if (selection.type === 'Question')
return selection.name
// Selection should be a variable from this point.
return selection.label !== '' ? selection.label : selection.name
function determineVariableLabel(operator, labels, data_file)
let new_variable_label = '';
let operator_char;
case 'Divide':
operator_char = ' / ';
case 'Multiply':
operator_char = ' * ';
case 'Subtract':
operator_char = ' - ';
case 'Any of':
case 'None of':
new_variable_label = operator + ' ' + labels.join('; ');
case 'Average':
case 'Count':
case 'Minimum':
case 'Maximum':
case 'Standard Deviation':
case 'Variance':
new_variable_label = operator + ' of ' + labels.join('; ');
case 'Sum':
new_variable_label = (labels.length == 1) ? (operator + ' of ' + labels[0]) : labels.join(' + ');
case 'Divide':
case 'Multiply':
operator_name = generateOperatorPastTenseName(operator);
case 'Subtract':
operator_name = operator === 'Subtract' ? 'minus' : operator_name + ' by';
labs = labels.length === 2 ? labels.join(operator_char) : `${labels[0]} ${operator_name} a single value`;
new_variable_label += labs;
new_variable_label = preventDuplicateQuestionName(data_file, new_variable_label);
return new_variable_label;
function deduceVariableLabelsInVariableSet(variable_set, with_nets = true)
let variable_labels;
case 'Binary - Multi':
case 'Numeric - Multi':
case 'Nominal - Multi':
case 'Ordinal - Multi':
return deduceMultiVariableLabels(variable_set, with_nets);
case 'Numeric - Grid':
case 'Binary - Grid':
return deduceGridVariableLabels(variable_set, with_nets);
return variable_labels;
function deduceGridVariableLabels(variable_set, with_nets = true)
let data_reduction = variable_set.dataReduction;
let is_transposed = data_reduction.transposed;
let prefix_labels = is_transposed ? data_reduction.rowLabels : data_reduction.columnLabels;
let prefix_net_indices = is_transposed ? data_reduction.netRows : data_reduction.netColumns;
let suffix_labels = is_transposed ? data_reduction.columnLabels : data_reduction.rowLabels;
let suffix_net_indices = is_transposed ? data_reduction.netColumns : data_reduction.netRows;
if (!with_nets)
if (!!prefix_net_indices)
prefix_labels = prefix_labels.filter((item, i) => !prefix_net_indices.includes(i));
if (!!suffix_net_indices)
suffix_labels = suffix_labels.filter((item, i) => !suffix_net_indices.includes(i));
let labels = prefix_labels.map(prefix => suffix_labels.map(suffix => prefix + ', ' + suffix)).flat();
return labels;
function deduceOriginalNets(variable_set) {
let net_variable_labels;
switch(variable_set.variableSetStructure) {
case 'Nominal - Multi':
case 'Ordinal - Multi':
return null;
case 'Binary - Multi':
case 'Numeric - Multi':
return deduceMultiVariableSetOriginalNets(variable_set);
case 'Numeric - Grid':
case 'Binary - Grid':
return deduceGridVariableSetOriginalNets(variable_set);
return net_variable_labels;
function deduceMultiVariableSetOriginalNets(variable_set)
let data_reduction = variable_set.dataReduction;
let transposed = data_reduction.transposed;
let labels = transposed ? data_reduction.columnLabels : data_reduction.rowLabels;
let net_indices = transposed ? data_reduction.netColumns : data_reduction.netRows;
if (net_indices.length === 0)
return net_indices;
return labels.filter((item, i) => net_indices.includes(i));
function deduceGridVariableSetOriginalNets(variable_set)
let grid_variable_set_labels_with_nets = deduceGridVariableLabels(variable_set, true);
let grid_variable_set_labels_without_nets = deduceGridVariableLabels(variable_set, false);
return grid_variable_set_labels_with_nets.filter(x => !grid_variable_set_labels_without_nets.includes(x));
function deduceMultiVariableLabels(variable_set, with_nets = false)
let data_reduction = variable_set.dataReduction;
let labels_in_columns = variable_set.variableSetStructure === 'Nominal - Multi' && !data_reduction.transposed;
let labels = labels_in_columns ? data_reduction.columnLabels : data_reduction.rowLabels;
let net_indices = labels_in_columns ? data_reduction.netColumns : data_reduction.netRows;
if (!with_nets && net_indices.length > 0)
labels = labels.filter((item, i) => !net_indices.includes(i));
return labels;
function someVariableLabelsMatch(variable_sets)
let variable_set_labels = variable_sets.map(deduceMultiVariableLabels);
let common_labels = variable_set_labels.reduce((first, second) => first.filter(item => second.includes(item)));
return common_labels.length > 0;
function determineRVariableSetName(x)
return checkDuplicateReferenceName(x.name, x.type) ? disambiguateReferenceName(x) : stringToRName(x.name);
function checkDuplicateReferenceName(selection_name, selection_type)
let all_selections;
if (selection_type === 'Question')
all_selections = project.dataFiles.map(dat => dat.questions).flat();
} else
all_selections = project.dataFiles.map(dat => dat.variables).flat();
let selections = all_selections.filter(selection => selection.name === selection_name);
return selections.length !== 1;
function disambiguateReferenceName(selection)
let selection_name = selection.name;
let selection_type = selection.type;
let data_file = selection.type === 'Variable' ? selection.question.dataFile : selection.dataFile;
let datafile_name = data_file.name;
return stringToRName(datafile_name) + '$' + selection_type + 's$' + stringToRName(selection_name);
function invalidVariableSetsFound(selections, operator)
selected_questions = selections.map(selection => selection.type === 'Question' ? selection : selection.question);
let invalid_variable_sets_found = selected_questions.some(selection => !selection.isValid);
if (invalid_variable_sets_found)
let invalid_variable_sets = selections.filter(selection => !selection.isValid);
let invalid_names = uniq(invalid_variable_sets.map(vs => vs.name));
let n_invalid = invalid_names.length;
invalid_names = invalid_names.length === 1 ? invalid_names[0] : '(' + joinStrings(invalid_names) + ')';
let tense = n_invalid === 1 ? 'is' : 'are';
let msg = `The selected Variable Set, ${invalid_names}, ${tense} invalid and needs to be corrected ` +
`into a valid state. Select only valid Variable Sets before attempting to run ` +
`${operator} again.`;
return true;
if (selected_questions.some(selection => selection.isHidden))
log('One or more of the selected variables are marked as \'Hidden\' and cannot be used. ' +
'Unhide these variables and run this feature again.');
return true;
return false;
function extractValidVariablesForOperation(selected_questions, selected_variables, operator)
const mathematical_operator = ['Divide', 'Multiply', 'Subtract'].includes(operator);
const SUPPORTED_SETS = ['Numeric - Multi', 'Nominal - Multi', 'Ordinal - Multi',
'Binary - Multi', 'Numeric - Grid', 'Binary - Grid'];
let max_n_valid = mathematical_operator ? 2 : Infinity;
selected_questions = extractQuestionsWithValidStructure(selected_questions, operator, max_n_valid);
selected_variables = selected_variables.filter(variable => !['Text', 'Date'].includes(variable.variableType));
let guids = selected_variables.map(variable => variable.guid);
let relevant_items = selected_questions.map(question => question.variables.filter(v => guids.includes(v.guid)));
let final_selections = [];
let complete_variable_sets = [];
let complete_selections = relevant_items.map(selection => {
let n_variables = selection.length;
if (n_variables === 1)
return true;
if (n_variables === selection[0].question.variables.length)
return true;
return false;
if (invalidVariableSetsFound(relevant_items.flat(), operator))
return false;
if (complete_variable_sets.length > 0)
if (selectedVariableSetsInvalid(complete_variable_sets)) {
return false;
let n_selected_questions = selected_questions.length;
let n_selected_variables = selected_variables.length;
let all_complete_selections = complete_selections.every(i => i);
if (n_selected_questions === 1 && (!all_complete_selections || (all_complete_selections && n_selected_variables === 2)))
final_selections = selected_variables;
let structure_name = 'Variable Set';
let number_selected_variable_sets = final_selections.reduce((n_variable_sets, selection) => {
return selection.type === 'Question' ? n_variable_sets + 1 : n_variable_sets;
}, 0);
if (number_selected_variable_sets > 1)
let unsupported_structures = [];
final_selections = final_selections.filter(selection => {
if (selection.type === 'Variable')
return true;
let current_structure = selection.variableSetStructure;
let supported_structure = SUPPORTED_SETS.includes(current_structure);
if (!supported_structure)
return false;
return true;
if (unsupported_structures.length > 0)
let supported_sets = inDisplayr() ? SUPPORTED_SETS : SUPPORTED_SETS.filter(v => v != 'Ordinal - Multi');
let all_supported_structures = joinStrings(supported_sets);
let all_unsupported_structures = joinStrings(uniq(unsupported_structures));
let msg = `Only ${all_supported_structures} Variable Sets are supported when using ${operator} on ` +
`more than one Variable Set. ${all_unsupported_structures} Variable Sets are not ` +
`supported in ${operator} when more than one Variable Set is selected. Select either `+
`supported Variable Sets or select other variables before running ${operator} again.`;
return false;
if (isFinite(max_n_valid) && final_selections.length > max_n_valid)
final_selections = [0, 1].map(i => final_selections[i]);
if (final_selections.every(item => item.type === 'Variable'))
structure_name = 'variable';
warnAboutOnlyTwoSelections(structure_name, operator);
if (!all_complete_selections && n_selected_questions > 1)
let n_var_sets = (isFinite(max_n_valid) && max_n_valid == 2) ? 'two' : 'multiple';
let msg = `Selecting some variables inside a ${structure_name} when ${n_var_sets} ${structure_name}s are ` +
`selected is not supported for ${operator}. Please select a single variable, a single variable ` +
`within a ${structure_name} or an entire ${structure_name} with all variables selected ` +
`before re-running ${operator}.`;
return false;
let all_multi_variable_sets = final_selections.every(x => x.type === 'Question' && x.variables.length > 1);
let two_multi_variable_sets = all_multi_variable_sets && final_selections.length === 2;
if (two_multi_variable_sets && !someVariableLabelsMatch(final_selections))
let msg = `To use ${operator} with two ${structure_name}s, both ${structure_name}s need to contain variables ` +
`with at least some common labels so they can be matched. The selected ${structure_name}s, ` +
`${final_selections.map(vs => vs.name).join(' and ')}, do not have any variables with common ` +
`variable labels and cannot be matched. Select ${structure_name}s that have common labels before ` +
`using ${operator} again.`;
return false;
let all_variables = final_selections.every(x => x.type === 'Variable');
if (!mathematical_operator && final_selections.length > 2 && !(all_variables || all_multi_variable_sets)) {
let msg = `It is not supported to select multiple ${structure_name}s and individual variables when using ` +
`${operator}. If more than 2 inputs are desired, they need to be all individual variable ` +
`selections or all entire ${structure_name}s. Select single variables or entire ${structure_name}s` +
`or use fewer than two inputs before using ${operator} again.`;
return false;
return final_selections;
function joinStrings(string_array, last_separator = ' and ')
return string_array.join(', ').replace(/, ((?:.(?!, ))+)$/, last_separator + '$1');
function calculateStandardRVariable(operator, selections)
let valid_selections = extractValidVariablesForOperation(selections.questions, selections.variables, operator);
if (!valid_selections) {
return false;
let n_selections = valid_selections.length;
if (n_selections > 0)
if (!dataFileIsValid(valid_selections))
return false;
let last_selection = valid_selections[valid_selections.length - 1];
let last_question = last_selection.type === 'Question' ? last_selection : last_selection.question;
let last_question_variables = last_question.variables;
let last_variable = last_question_variables[last_question_variables.length - 1];
let data_file = last_variable.question.dataFile;
let selection_names = valid_selections.map(determineOutputLabel);
let new_question_name = determineVariableLabel(operator, selection_names, data_file);
let new_variable_base_name = determineVariableName(operator, selection_names, data_file);
new_variable_base_name = cleanVariableName(new_variable_base_name);
let is_variable_set_output = valid_selections.some(selection => selection.type === 'Question');
let is_single_variable_set = valid_selections.length === 1 && valid_selections[0].type === 'Question';
let is_mathematical_operator = ['Divide', 'Multiply', 'Subtract'].includes(operator);
if (is_single_variable_set && !is_mathematical_operator)
is_variable_set_output = false;
if (is_variable_set_output)
new_variable_base_name = preventDuplicateVariableBaseName(data_file, new_variable_base_name)
new_variable_base_name = preventDuplicateVariableName(data_file, new_variable_base_name);
let js_code = calculateVariableJSCode(operator, valid_selections);
let r_code = calculateVariableRCode(operator, valid_selections);
if (typeof r_code === 'boolean')
return false;
let control_settings = determineControlSettings(operator, valid_selections);
let new_question = data_file.newRQuestion(r_code, new_question_name, new_variable_base_name, last_variable,
js_code, control_settings);
if (['Any of', 'None of'].includes(operator)) {
if (new_question.variables.length > 1) {
new_question.variableSetStructure = 'Binary - Multi';
new_question.needsCheckValuesToCount = false;
} else {
new_question.variableType = 'Categorical';
if (new_question.variables.length > 1)
return true;
return false;
function dataFileIsValid(selections)
let data_files = selections.map(x => x.type === 'Question' ? x.dataFile : x.question.dataFile);
let datafile_names = uniq(data_files.map(datafile => datafile.name));
if (datafile_names.length === 1)
return true;
if (datafile_names.length > 1)
let nobs_data = uniq(data_files.map(data_file => data_file.totalN));
if (nobs_data.length > 1)
log(`The selected variables are from different datasets (${datafile_names.join(', ')}) ` +
`with ${nobs_data.join(' and ')} number of cases respectively. It is not possible to conduct ` +
'the calculation if the input variables have a different number of cases. Please choose variables ' +
'from the same dataset.');
return false;
return true;
function appendCalculatedVariablesToDataSet(operator, selected_variables)
let valid_variables = extractValidVariables(selected_variables, operator);
let n_valid_variables = valid_variables.length;
if (n_valid_variables > 0)
if (!dataFileIsValid(valid_variables))
return false;
if (invalidVariableSetsFound(valid_variables, operator))
return false;
let last_variable = valid_variables[n_valid_variables - 1];
let data_file = last_variable.question.dataFile;
let labels = valid_variables.map(determineOutputLabel);
let names = valid_variables.map(variable => variable.name);
let new_variable_name = determineVariableName(operator, names, data_file);
let new_variable_label = determineVariableLabel(operator, labels, data_file);
let r_code = calculateVariableRCode(operator, valid_variables);
let js_code = calculateVariableJSCode(operator, valid_variables);
let control_settings = determineControlSettings(operator, valid_variables);
let new_variable = data_file.newRVariable(r_code, new_variable_name, new_variable_label, last_variable,
js_code, control_settings);
if (['Any of', 'None of'].includes(operator))
new_variable.variableType = 'Categorical';
return true;
return false;
const COUNT_OPERATORS_THAT_NEED_TEXTBOX = ['Any of', 'Any of Each Row', 'Any of Each Column',
'Count', 'Count Each Row', 'Count Each Column',
'None of', 'None of Each Row', 'None of Each Column'];
function determineControlSettings(operator = 'Sum', selections = null)
let control_settings = {};
if (selections == null)
return control_settings;
let control_names;
case 'Divide':
control_names = ['Numerator', 'Denominator'];
case 'Multiply':
control_names = ['Multiplicand', 'Multiplier'];
case 'Subtract':
control_names = ['Minuend', 'Subtrahend'];
let some_variables_selected = !!selections && selections.some(selection => ['Variable', 'Question'].includes(selection.type));
let all_variables_selected = some_variables_selected && selections.every(x => x.type === 'Variable');
let dont_populate_formInputs = some_variables_selected && !all_variables_selected;
if (selections[0].type === 'Question' && selections.length === 1) {
all_variables_selected = true;
selections = selections[0].variables;
dont_populate_formInputs = false;
let guids = selections.map(selection => selection.guid);
case 'Any of':
case 'Average':
case 'Count':
case 'Minimum':
case 'Maximum':
case 'None of':
case 'Standard Deviation':
case 'Sum':
case 'Variance':
if (dont_populate_formInputs)
return null;
control_settings = {'formInputs': guids.join(';')};
case 'Any of Each Column':
case 'Any of Each Row':
case 'Average Each Column':
case 'Average Each Row':
case 'Count Each Column':
case 'Count Each Row':
case 'Minimum Each Column':
case 'Minimum Each Row':
case 'Maximum Each Column':
case 'Maximum Each Row':
case 'None of Each Column':
case 'None of Each Row':
case 'Sum Each Column':
case 'Sum Each Row':
case 'Standard Deviation Each Column':
case 'Standard Deviation Each Row':
case 'Variance Each Column':
case 'Variance Each Row':
if (dont_populate_formInputs)
return null;
control_settings = {'formInput': guids[0]};
case 'Divide':
case 'Multiply':
case 'Subtract':
let all_variable_sets = selections.every(selection => selection.type === 'Question');
let some_variable_sets = all_variable_sets || selections.some(x => x.type === 'Question');
if (all_variable_sets || (some_variable_sets && selections.length === 2))
return null;
let keys = control_names;
let values = guids;
if (guids.length === 1)
keys[1] = 'Combo' + control_names[1];
values.push('Single numeric value');
keys.forEach((key, i) => control_settings['form' + key] = values[i]);
if (!['Variable', 'Question'].includes(selections[0].type) && COUNT_OPERATORS_THAT_NEED_TEXTBOX.includes(operator))
let table_defaults = selections.map(extractCategoricalOrNumericValuesForTableInputs).flat();
let numeric_defaults = [];
table_defaults.forEach(item => {
if (item == null)
return null;
if (item['type'] === 'numeric')
if (numeric_defaults.length > 0)
let range = numeric_defaults.reduce((x, y) => [Math.min(x[0], y[0]), Math.max(x[1], y[1])]);
let infinity_found = range.some(x => !isFinite(x));
if (infinity_found)
default_range = convertToOpenInterval(range);
if (range[0] === range[1])
range = [range[0]];
range = range.map(convertNumToRString);
default_range = range.join('-');
control_settings['formNumericValues'] = default_range;
return control_settings;
function generateOperatorPastTenseName(operator_name)
let output_name;
switch(operator_name) {
case 'Any of':
case 'AnyOf':
output_name = 'anyof';
case 'Average':
output_name = 'averaged';
case 'Count':
output_name = 'counted';
case 'Divide':
output_name = 'divided';
case 'Multiply':
output_name = 'multiplied';
case 'None of':
case 'NoneOf':
output_name = 'noneof';
case 'Minimum':
output_name = 'minimized';
case 'Maximum':
output_name = 'maximized';
case 'Multiply':
output_name = 'multiplied';
case 'Subtract':
output_name = 'subtracted';
case 'Sum':
output_name = 'summed';
case 'Standard Deviation':
case 'StandardDeviation':
output_name = 'standard.dev';
case 'Variance':
output_name = 'variance';
function generateDefaultCalculationOutputName(operator_name, output_type)
let output_name = generateOperatorPastTenseName(operator_name);
return output_name + '.' + output_type;
function validRInputOrTable(selection)
let valid_table = selection.type === 'Table' && selection.primary != null;
if (valid_table)
return true;
let valid_r_output = selection.type === 'R Output' && selection.error == null
valid_r_output = valid_r_output && selection.outputClasses.some(r_class => VALID_ROUTPUT_CLASSES.includes(r_class));
return valid_r_output;
function applyCalculationOnValidSelections(operator, selections)
let controls = determineControlSettings(operator, selections);
let page_name = `Calculation - ${operator} - Table(s)`;
addStandardRToCurrentPage(page_name, controls);
return true;
function applySingleDimensionCalculation(operator = 'Sum', dimension = 'Row', selection = null)
let operator_name = `${operator} Each ${dimension}`;
applyCalculationOnValidSelections(operator_name, selection);
return true;
function deduceAppropriateSelections()
includeWeb('QScript Selection Functions');
let user_selections = getAllUserSelections();
let selected_items = user_selections.selected_items;
let selected_variables = user_selections.selected_variables;
let selected_questions = user_selections.selected_questions;
let v_and_q_selected_questions = user_selections.v_and_q_selected_questions;
let v_and_q_selected_variables = user_selections.v_and_q_selected_variables;
return { outputs: selected_items,
variables: selected_variables,
questions: selected_questions,
v_and_q_selected_questions: v_and_q_selected_questions,
v_and_q_selected_variables: v_and_q_selected_variables};
function duplicatedVariableLabels(variable_set) {
let variable_labels = variable_set.variables.map(v => v.label);
let findDuplicates = arr => arr.filter((item, index) => arr.indexOf(item) != index)
let duplicated_labels = uniq(findDuplicates(variable_labels));
if (duplicated_labels.length > 0) {
let msg = 'In the Variable Set \'' + variable_set.name + '\' there are variables with duplicated labels. ' +
'The Calculation feature cannot automatically match variables if variables with the same label ' +
'exist. Please remove the variables with the same label or change them so the labels are ' +
'unique and run this feature again. The variables with the same labels are \'' +
duplicated_labels.join('\', \'') + '\'.';
return true;
return false;
function selectedVariableSetsInvalid(variable_sets, check_duplicates = true) {
let all_variables = variable_sets.map(vs => vs.variables).flat();
if (all_variables.some(x => x.isHidden)) {
log('One or more of the selected variables are marked as \'Hidden\' and cannot be used. ' +
'Unhide these variables and run this feature again.');
return true;
if (variable_sets.length === 1 || !check_duplicates)
return false;
let variable_sets_invalid = variable_sets.some(duplicatedVariableLabels);
return variable_sets_invalid;
function calculateStandardR(operator, selections) {
const mathematical_operator = ['Divide', 'Multiply', 'Subtract'].includes(operator);
const max_number_inputs = mathematical_operator ? 2 : Infinity;
selections = selections.outputs;
let initial_n_selected = selections.length;
selections = selections.filter(validRInputOrTable);
let n_selected = selections.length;
if (n_selected > 0)
if (n_selected < initial_n_selected)
log(`Some selections were not a Table or a Calculation appropriate for use ` +
`in ${operator} and are ignored.`);
if (n_selected > max_number_inputs)
log(`Only two inputs can be used in ${operator}. The first two selections have been used in ` +
`the output and the other selections ignored.`);
selections = [0, 1].map(i => selections[i]);
applyCalculationOnValidSelections(operator, selections);
return true;
let max_number_text = mathematical_operator ? 'two' : 'more';
let operator_past_tense_name = generateOperatorPastTenseName(operator);
let prefix_msg = initial_n_selected === 1 ? 'The selected item is not' : 'None of the current selections are';
log(`${prefix_msg} appropriate to use in ${operator}. Before re-running this feature, select one or ` +
`${max_number_text} Table(s) or valid Calculation(s) containing numeric elements to create a ` +
`Calculation with ${operator_past_tense_name} elements, or select one or ${max_number_text} variables ` +
`with numeric values from the Data Sets tree to create a new variable with the cases `+
return false;
function applyCalculationOnSelections(operator = 'Sum')
const in_displayr = inDisplayr();
let selections = deduceAppropriateSelections();
let selected_items = selections.outputs;
let selected_variables = selections.variables;
let selected_variable_sets = selections.questions;
// Check variables and questions tab selections for Q
let v_and_q_selected_questions = selections.v_and_q_selected_questions;
let v_and_q_selected_variables = selections.v_and_q_selected_variables;
let initial_n_selected = selected_items.length;
let n_selected_vars = selected_variables.length;
if (initial_n_selected === 0 && n_selected_vars === 0) // If nothing at all selected
return applyCalculationOnValidSelections(operator, null); // Create empty standard R item
if (!in_displayr && (v_and_q_selected_variables.length > 0 || v_and_q_selected_questions.length > 0)) {
return calculateStandardRVariable(operator, selections);
item_selected = initial_n_selected > 0;
return item_selected ? calculateStandardR(operator, selections) : calculateStandardRVariable(operator, selections);
function calcSingleDimStandardR(operator, dimension, selections) {
selections = selections.outputs;
let initial_n_selected = selections.length;
selections = selections.filter(validRInputOrTable);
let n_selected = selections.length;
if (n_selected > 0)
if (n_selected > 1)
log(`Only a single selected input can be used in ${operator} Each ${dimension}. ` +
`The first valid selection has been used in the output and the other selections ignored.`);
selections = [selections[0]];
applySingleDimensionCalculation(operator, dimension, selections);
return true;
let prefix_msg = initial_n_selected === 1 ? 'The selected item is not' : 'None of the current selections are'
log(`${prefix_msg} appropriate to use in ${operator} Each ${dimension}. Before re-running this ` +
`feature, select a single Table or Calculation.`);
return false;
function calcSingleDimStandardRVariable(operator, selections) {
let selected_variable_sets = selections.questions;
if (selectedVariableSetsInvalid(selected_variable_sets, check_duplicates = false)) {
return false;
return appendCalculatedVariablesToDataSet(operator, selections.variables);
function applySingleDimensionCalculationWithSelection(operator = 'Sum', dim = 'Row')
const in_displayr = inDisplayr();
let selections = deduceAppropriateSelections();
let selected_items = selections.outputs;
let selected_variables = selections.variables;
let selected_variable_sets = selections.questions;
// Check variables and questions tab selections for Q
let v_and_q_selected_questions = selections.v_and_q_selected_questions;
let v_and_q_selected_variables = selections.v_and_q_selected_variables;
let initial_n_selected = selected_items.length;
let n_selected_vars = selected_variables.length;
// Calculation by Column not valid on variables since the output needs to have the same number
// of elements as the number of cases in the data.
if (initial_n_selected === 0 && (n_selected_vars === 0 || dim === 'Column'))
applySingleDimensionCalculation(operator, dim, null);
return true;
if (!in_displayr && (v_and_q_selected_variables.length > 0 || v_and_q_selected_questions.length > 0)) {
return calcSingleDimStandardRVariable(operator, selections);
item_selected = initial_n_selected > 0;
return item_selected ? calcSingleDimStandardR(operator, dim, selections) : calcSingleDimStandardRVariable(operator, selections);
function nominalTypeCodedLabels(variable_set)
let data_reduction = variable_set.dataReduction;
let net_indices;
if (!data_reduction.transposed)
coded_labels = data_reduction.rowLabels;
net_indices = data_reduction.netRows;
} else
coded_labels = data_reduction.columnLabels;
net_indices = data_reduction.netColumns;
if (net_indices.length > 0)
coded_labels.filter((item, i) => !net_indices.includes(i));
return coded_labels;
function getCodedLabels(variable_set)
let variable_set_structure = variable_set.variableSetStructure;
let coded_labels;
switch (variable_set_structure)
case 'Nominal':
case 'Nominal - Multi':
case 'Ordinal':
case 'Ordinal - Multi':
coded_labels = nominalTypeCodedLabels(variable_set);
return coded_labels;
const ALLOWED_TYPES_FOR_TEXTBOX = ['Nominal', 'Nominal - Multi', 'Ordinal', 'Ordinal - Multi'];
function determineDefaultInputsForCountOperators(variables)
let categorical_variables = [];
let numeric_variables = [];
if (variables.length > 0)
let selected_guids = variables.map(selection => selection.guid);
var all_variables = project.dataFiles.map(dat => dat.variables).flat();
selected_variables = all_variables.filter(variable => selected_guids.includes(variable.guid));
selected_variables.forEach(variable => {
if (ALLOWED_TYPES_FOR_TEXTBOX.includes(variable.question.variableSetStructure))
let default_settings = {'categorical': '', 'numeric': ''};
if (categorical_variables.length > 0)
default_settings['categorical'] = determineCategoricalLabelsForCountDefaults(categorical_variables);
if (numeric_variables.length > 0)
default_settings['numeric'] = determineNumericValuesToCountDefaults(numeric_variables);
return default_settings;
function determineCategoricalLabelsForCountDefaults(categorical_variables)
let all_labels = categorical_variables.map(determineCategoricalLabelsForTextbox);
let listbox_keys = Object.keys(all_labels[0]);
let listbox_details = {};
listbox_keys.forEach(key => {
listbox_details[key] = uniq(all_labels.map(lo => lo[key]).flat());
let safe_delimiter = determineDelimiterToUse(listbox_details['labels']);
// Escape single quotes here
return listbox_details['labels'].join(safe_delimiter).replace("'", "\\'");
function determineDelimiterToUse(labels)
let all_labels = labels.join('');
if (!all_labels.includes(';'))
return ';';
return !all_labels.includes(',') ? ',' : ';';
function determineCategoricalLabelsForTextbox(variable)
let output = {};
let variable_set = variable.question;
let unique_values = variable_set.variables[0].uniqueValues; // knownValues
let data_red = variable_set.dataReduction;
// Get unique set of labels and values from the data reduction
let coded_labels = uniq(getCodedLabels(variable_set));
let coded_values = coded_labels.map(vl => data_red.getUnderlyingValues(vl));
coded_values = coded_values.map(item => item.length === 1 ? item[0] : item);
coded_values = uniq(coded_values);
let final_codes = [];
let final_labels = [];
let remaining_codes = coded_values;
coded_values.forEach((coded_val, idx) => {
// If a single code, add it to the final codes
if (typeof(coded_val) === 'number')
remaining_codes = remaining_codes.filter(item => item !== coded_val);
let other_codes = coded_values.filter((cv, ind) => ind !== idx);
// If current codes are entirely contained in another set of codes then skip
if (coded_val.every(code => other_codes.includes(code)))
let not_seen_in_other_codes = !coded_val.some(code => other_codes.includes(code));
let not_in_existing_final_codes = !coded_val.some(code => final_codes.flat().includes(code));
if (not_seen_in_other_codes && not_in_existing_final_codes)
remaining_codes = remaining_codes.filter(item => item !== coded_val);
let flattened_final_codes = final_codes.flat();
// Check if any values remain that havent been added to the final codes
let last_levels = unique_values.filter(val => !flattened_final_codes.includes(val));
let final_last_levels = [];
let missing_data_levels = [];
let value_attr = variable_set.valueAttributes;
// Filter the the remaining levels into either missing data or other hidden codes.
last_levels.forEach(level => {
if (value_attr.getIsMissingData(level))
if (final_last_levels.length > 0)
final_labels = final_labels.concat(final_last_levels.map(lev => value_attr.getLabel(lev)));
// Create a copy of the labels and use map to avoid a shallow copy by reference
let initial_labels = final_labels.map(element => element);
let r_values = final_labels.map(element => element);
output['labels'] = final_labels;
output['initial'] = initial_labels;
output['rlevels'] = r_values;
return output;
function isMissing(value, only_nan = true)
return only_nan ? isNaN(value) : isNaN(value) || value === -2147483648;
function determineRange(numeric_vector)
numeric_vector = numeric_vector.filter(val => !isNaN(val) && val !== -2147483648);
if (numeric_vector.length === 0)
return 'NA';
let min = numeric_vector.reduce((x, y) => Math.min(x, y));
let max = numeric_vector.reduce((x, y) => Math.max(x, y));
min = Math.floor(min);
max = Math.ceil(max);
return [min, max];
function convertNumToRString(numeric_value)
if (isFinite(numeric_value))
return numeric_value.toString();
return numeric_value > 0 ? 'Inf' : '-Inf';
function convertToOpenInterval(range)
let infinite_values = range.map(val => !isFinite(val));
let n_infinite = infinite_values.reduce((x, i) => x + i, 0);
if (n_infinite === 2)
let signs = range.map(val => Math.sign(val));
if (signs[0] === signs[1])
return signs[0] > 0 ? 'Inf' : '-Inf';
return '>=0';
if (infinite_values[0])
return '<=' + range[1];
return '>=' + range[0];
function determineNumericValuesToCountDefaults(variables)
const BINARY_STR = ['Binary - Multi', 'Binary - Grid'];
let n_variables = variables.length;
let numeric_variables = variables.filter(v => !BINARY_STR.includes(v.question.variableSetStructure));
let unique_values = numeric_variables.map(v => {
let va = v.valueAttributes;
return v.uniqueValues.map(uv => va.getValue(uv));
var all_ranges = unique_values.map(determineRange);
var all_values = {'singletons': [], 'intervals': []};
all_ranges.forEach(range => {
if (range[0] === range[1] && range[0] === 1)
return all_values['singletons'].push(range[0]);
return all_values['intervals'].push(range);
let numeric_value_keys = Object.keys(all_values);
let default_numeric_value = [];
numeric_value_keys.forEach(key => {
if (all_values[key].length === 0)
delete all_values[key];
let output_string = [];
if (key === 'intervals')
if (all_values[key].every(isNaN))
output_string = 'NA';
else {
let range = all_values[key].reduce((x, y) => [Math.min(x[0], y[0]), Math.max(x[1], y[1])]);
let infinity_found = range.some(x => !isFinite(x));
if (infinity_found)
output_string = convertToOpenInterval(range);
if (range[0] === range[1])
range = [range[0]];
range = range.map(convertNumToRString);
output_string = range.join('-');
} else {
output_string = uniq(all_values[key]).join(', ');
default_numeric_value = default_numeric_value.join(', ');
if (numeric_variables.length !== n_variables)
default_numeric_value = default_numeric_value === '' ? '1' : default_numeric_value.concat(', 1');
return default_numeric_value;
function extractMinAndMaxTable(table)
let table_values = NaN;
let has_primary = table.primary != null;
if (has_primary)
let table_output = table.calculateOutput();
let statistics = table_output.statistics;
table_values = statistics.map(statistic => table_output.get(statistic));
table_values = table_values.filter(val => typeof(val[0][0]) === 'number');
table_values = determineRange(table_values.flat(2));
return table_values;
function extractCategoricalOrNumericValuesForTableInputs(selection, variable_name = []) {
let selection_data;
if (selection.type === 'Table')
let text_input = selection.primary.variableSetStructure.startsWith('Text');
return {'values': text_input ? [-Infinity, Infinity] : extractMinAndMaxTable(selection), 'type': 'numeric'};
let r_class;
switch (selection.type)
case 'R Output':
selection_data = selection.data;
r_class = selection.outputClasses;
variable_name = [];
case 'QScriptROutputTranslator':
selection_data = selection;
if (variable_name.length === 0)
return null;
r_class = selection.getAttribute(variable_name, 'class');
} catch(e)
let data_values = selection_data.get(variable_name).flat();
if (typeof data_values[0] === 'string')
return null;
return {'values': determineRange(data_values), 'type': 'numeric'};
if (r_class.includes('NULL'))
return null;
if (r_class.includes('data.frame'))
if (selection.type !== 'R Output')
return null;
let all_variable_names = selection_data.getAttribute(variable_name, 'names');
return all_variable_names.map(variable_name => extractCategoricalOrNumericValuesForTableInputs(selection_data, variable_name));
if (r_class.includes('factor'))
let levels = selection_data.getAttribute(variable_name, 'levels');
if (typeof levels[0] === 'number')
levels = levels.map(toString);
let values = selection_data.get(variable_name).flat();
let has_missing = values.some(value => isMissing(value, only_nan = false));
return {'values': levels, 'has_missing': has_missing, 'type': 'categorical'};
r_values = selection.data.get([]).flat();
if (r_class.includes('matrix') || r_class.includes('array'))
r_values = typeof(r_values[0]) === 'string' ? '' : determineRange(r_values);
return {'values': r_values, 'type': 'numeric'};
if (r_class.includes('numeric') || r_class.includes('integer') || r_class.includes('table'))
r_values = determineRange(r_values);
return {'values': r_values, 'type': 'numeric'};
return null;
function createEmptyRVariableSet(text = false) {
const is_displayr = inDisplayr();
// Get the data
let data_file;
const user_selections = getAllUserSelections()
let selected_questions = user_selections.selected_questions;
if (selected_questions.length > 0)
data_file = project.report.selectedQuestions()[0].dataFile;
else if (project.dataFiles.length == 1)
data_file = project.dataFiles[0];
else if (project.dataFiles.length == 0) {
log("Please add a data set.");
return false;
} else if (!is_displayr) {
data_file = dataFileSelection()[0];
} else {
log("Please select data from a single data set.")
return false;
let all_vars = data_file.variables.filter(x => x.question.isValid);
let test_v = all_vars[0];
let test_name = disambiguateReferenceName(test_v);
let prompt_message = "How many variables do you want to create?";
let n_variables = NaN;
while (isNaN(n_variables)) {
n_variables = parseInt(prompt(prompt_message, "10"))
prompt_message = "You must enter a number. How many variables do you want to create?";
let default_fill = text ? "''" : "NA"
let expression = `
# Any variable to let the code know how many cases are in the file.
# You can remove this reference if you expression references other
# variables in this data set
test.variable = ${test_name}
n.cases = length(test.variable)
# Create an empty matrix
new.data = matrix(${default_fill}, nrow = n.cases, ncol = ${n_variables})
colnames(new.data) = paste0("Variable ", seq(1, ncol(new.data)))
# Enter your code here to fill in the new.data with your calculations.
# Note that:
# 1. Each column of data becomes a variable in your data set.
# 2. The expression for new.data should create either a matrix or a data frame.
# 3. You cannot change the number of columns.
let new_r_question = data_file.newRQuestion(expression,
preventDuplicateQuestionName(data_file, "New R Variable Set"),
"newRQ"+makeid(), null);
if (text)
new_r_question.questionType = "Text - Multi"