Keyboard Shortcuts
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This is the complete list of keyboard shortcuts, arranged by the tab or window for which they apply.
All Tabs
- F1: Help, which opens the wiki page for the current tab
- Ctrl + Z: Undo, reverse the most recent action
- Ctrl + Y: Redo, perform the most recent action again
- Ctrl + O: Open an existing project
- Ctrl + S: Save the current project
- Ctrl + P: Print the entire report
- Ctrl + C: Copy
- Ctrl + X: Cut
- Ctrl + V: Paste
Outputs Tab
- Ctrl + T: Save a duplicate of the current table
- Shift + F3: Change the case of the text in the currently-selected rows or columns
- Ctrl + C: Copy the selected cells to the clipboard
Specifically for items in the report tree:
- F2: Rename the selected item
- Delete: Delete the selected item
- Ctrl + L: Lock the selected item
- Ctrl + C: Copy selected table
- Ctrl + X: Cut selected table
- Ctrl + V: Paste a table
- Numeric keypad *: Expand folder
- Numeric keypad -: Collapse folder
Variables and Questions Tab
- Ctrl + A: Select all of the variables in the project
- Ctrl + I: Select all variables from the currently-selected question
- Ctrl + V: Paste labels into the Variable Label field
- Ctrl + F: Find - start typing to find the first variable that contains a given string
- Shift-F3: Change the case of Variable Label for the variables that are currently selected
- Ctrl + C: Copy data from variables (when variables are selected)
- Ctrl + C: Copy the information from a single column when only a column is highlighted - for example copy variable names when entries in the Name column are highlighted
Data Tab
- Ctrl + F: Enter text to search within the currently-selected variable
- F5: Locate a variable by name or label
Value Attributes Window
- Shift + F3: Change case of selected label
- Ctrl + C: Copy selected rows to clipboard
- Ctrl + V: Paste rows from clipboard
JavaScript Editors
- Ctrl + N: New, i.e. replace the current script with a blank script.*
- Ctrl + O: Open a .QScript file from the directory.*
- Ctrl + S: Save the script to its corresponding file, prompting for the file if necessary.*
- Alt + F4: Close the editor.
- Ctrl + Z: Undo the last change to the code.
- Ctrl + Y: Redo, i.e. reverse the last undo.
- Ctrl + X: Cut to the clipboard.
- Ctrl + C: Copy to the clipboard.
- Ctrl + V: Paste from the clipboard.
- Ctrl + F: Find occurrences of text in the script.
- Ctrl + H: Replace occurrences text in the script, either selectively or all at once.
- Ctrl + A: Select all text in the script.
- Ctrl + ]: Increase the indentation of the selected text (by 4 spaces).
- Ctrl + [: Decrease the indentation of the selected text (by 4 spaces).
- Ctrl + /: Uncomment the selected text if it is completely commented, otherwise comment it.
- F5: Run the QScript (QScript editor) or apply the Rule (Rule editor).**
*QScript editor only.
**QScript and Rule editors only.