Table JavaScript Functions for Adding Calculations

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This page contains functions that can be used to add new rows or columns containing the results of calculations (eg averages).

To make these functions available when writing a QScript or Rule see JavaScript Reference.


Takes the average for each span and adds a new row or column next to the span to show the average.

// Add a new row or column to each span which shows the average of the statistics for this span
function addAveragesToSpans(by_columns) {
    includeWeb('Table JavaScript Utility Functions');
    // Choose appropriate heading and summary
    let heading_text = 'Add Average Rows to Tables Containing Spans';
    let desc_text = 'Adds an average row next to every span, computed as the average of the statistics in the span';
    if (by_columns) {
        heading_text = heading_text.replace('Rows', 'Columns');
        desc_text = desc_text.replace('row', 'column');
    let summary_text = heading_text.charAt(0) + heading_text.slice(1).toLowerCase();
    let desc = form.newLabel(desc_text);
    desc.lineBreakAfter = true;
    let span_choices = by_columns ? ['Left', 'Right'].map(lab => lab + ' of span') : ['Above', 'Below'].map(lab => lab + ' each span');
    let span_position_label = form.newLabel('Position: ')
    let span_position = form.newComboBox('spanPos', span_choices);
    let add_span_label = form.newCheckBox('includeSpanLabels', 'Include span label in new ' + (by_columns ? 'column' : 'row') + ' labels');
    let add_labels = add_span_label.getValue();
    form.setInputControls([desc, span_position_label, span_position, add_span_label]);

    // Don't apply the rule for columns when the table can't have any column spans
    if (by_columns && table.numberColumns < 2) {
        form.ruleNotApplicable(' table cannot have any column spans')

    let spans = by_columns ? table.columnSpans : table.rowSpans;// Get the list of spans.

    // Work out which spans are lowest in the table.
    // These are the spans that are tested within.
    function getLowestLevelSpans(spans) {
        let lowest_spans = [];
        let found_indices = [];
        spans.forEach(function (span) {
            if (span.indices.every(function (x) { return found_indices.indexOf(x) == -1; })) {
                found_indices = found_indices.concat(span.indices);
        return lowest_spans;

    let lowest_spans = getLowestLevelSpans(spans)
    lowest_spans = lowest_spans.sort(function (a, b) {
        let indices_a = a.indices;
        let indices_b = b.indices;
        let last_a = indices_a[indices_a.length - 1];
        let last_b = indices_b[indices_b.length - 1];
        return last_a - last_b;

    let at_after_position = span_position.getValue().startsWith(by_columns ? 'Right' : 'Below');
    for (let i = lowest_spans.length - 1; i >= 0;i--) {// Working backwards through the list of spans...

        let span = lowest_spans[i];    // Get the current span.
        let span_indices = span.indices;
        let span_label = 'Average' + (add_labels ? (' of ' + span.label) : '');
        // Determine where to insert the Average Row/Col,
        // If the insertion is on the left, the span indices are shifted to accommodate the new row/col.
        let insert_index;
        if (at_after_position) {
            insert_index = span_indices[span_indices.length - 1];
        } else {
            insert_index = span_indices[0] > 0 ? span_indices[0] - 1 : null;
            span_indices = => idx + 1);
        // Add a row or column for this span
        if (by_columns)
            insertColumnAfterComplete(insert_index, span_label);
            insertRowAfterComplete(insert_index, span_label);
        // Determine the new position of the average
        let average_index = insert_index === null ? 0 : insert_index + 1;

        // Compute the averages and add them to the table
        table.statistics.forEach(function (stat) {
            let values = table.get(stat);
            if (by_columns) {
                for (let row = 0; row < table.numberRows; row++) {
                    if (typeof values[0][0] != 'string') {
                        let sum = 0;
                        let count = 0;
                        for (let j = 0; j < span_indices.length; j++) {
                            var column = span_indices[j];
                            if (!isNaN(values[row][column])) {
                                sum += values[row][column];
                        values[row][average_index] = sum / count;
                    } else if (stat == 'Column Comparisons')
                        values[row][average_index] = '-'; // Set hyphen to indicate that this cell is not being tested.
            } else {
                for (let column = 0;
                     column < table.numberColumns;
                     column++) {
                    if (typeof values[0][0] != 'string') {
                        let sum = 0;
                        let count = 0;
                        for (let j = 0; j < span_indices.length; j++) {
                            let row = span_indices[j];
                            if (!isNaN(values[row][column])) {
                                sum += values[row][column];
                        values[average_index][column] = sum / count;
                    } else if (stat == 'Column Comparisons')
                        values[average_index][column] = '-'; // Set hyphen to indicate that this cell is not being tested.
            table.set(stat, values);

// This script is designed to calculate the effective column n for each column in a
// table. If this statistic is the same within each column then the table will display
// a single number. If there are a range of effective column n then the table will
// show maximum and minimum values.

// Effective Column n is defined as Column n / Base n * Effective Base n

// This statistic is available for crosstabs and tables showing Pick Any - Grid questions
// (ie any table that allows a 'Column n' to be shown in the statistics). If the table
// is not of an appropriate type then no modification will be made to the table.

// Where possible, the effective column n will be calculated using the Column n values
// from the statistics cells. In for tables where this is not available it will be
// calculated using the Column n from Statistics - Below.
function addEffectiveColumnN() {
    const stat_name = table.getTranslation('Column n');
    const in_displayr = inDisplayr();
    const statistic_text = in_displayr ? "Statistics >" : "Statistics - ";
    let rule_name = 'Adding Rows to Display the Effective ' + stat_name;
    let summary_text = rule_name.charAt(0) + rule_name.slice(1).toLowerCase();
    let description = form.newLabel('Computes an estimate of the Effective ' + stat_name + ' for each column.');
    description.lineBreakAfter = true;
    // Specify the threshhold for numerical precision (used for the purpose of figuring out
    // whether the new statistic varies within each column)
    let eps = 1e-3;
    // Determine which statistic to use to store the Effective Column n figures. The default
    // option is to use the first statistic in the table that is not a percentage (except Base n),
    // or if no such statistic is available the first statistic will be used.
    // If you wish to use an alternative statistic, then enter the name of the statistic in quotes
    // in the variable called override_stat
    let override_stat = '';
    let stat_to_use;
    let not_allowed_stats = ['Base n', 'Column Names', 'Columns Compared', 'Column Comparisons'];
    if (override_stat.length === 0) {
        stat_to_use = table.statistics[0];
        for (let j = 0; j < table.statistics.length; j++) {
            if (table.statistics[j].indexOf('%') === -1 && not_allowed_stats.indexOf(table.statistics[j]) === -1) {
                stat_to_use = table.statistics[j];
    } else {
        stat_to_use = override_stat;
    let redo_percentages = stat_to_use.indexOf("%") > -1;
    // Check if this table is appropriate for displaying the Effective Column n
    if (table.numberColumns == 1)
        form.ruleNotApplicable('it requires a table with more than one column');
    if (table.availableStatistics.indexOf('Column n') === -1 && typeof below_table === 'undefined')
        form.ruleNotApplicable('it requires a table with Column in the the ' + statistic_text + ' Cells or ' + statistic_text + ' Below');

    // Obtain the Effective Base n from Statistics - Cells
    let effective_base_n = table.get('Effective Base n');

    // Obtain the Base n from Statistics - Cells
    let base_n = table.get('Base n');

    // Obtain the Column n from the Statistics - Cells, or from
    // the Statistics - Below if the table shows a Pick Any - Grid
    let column_n;
    if (table.availableStatistics.indexOf('Column n') > -1)
        column_n = table.get('Column n');
    else {
        column_n = table.get('Base n'); // Dummy array to fill with column n numbers
        let below_column_n = below_table.get('Column n');
        for (let row = 0; row < table.numberRows; row ++) {
            for (let col = 0; col < table.numberColumns; col ++) {
                column_n[row][col] = below_column_n[col][0];
    // Create an array to store Effective Column n
    let effective_column_n = table.get('Effective Base n');

    // Loop through the cells of the array and calculate
    // the Effective Column n for each cell in the table
    // Fix percent signs
    let cell_text = table.cellText;
    let percent_array = (stat) { return (stat.indexOf('%') > -1 ? '%' : ''); });
    for (let col = 0; col < table.numberColumns; col++) {
        for (let row = 0; row < table.numberRows; row++) {
            effective_column_n[row][col] = effective_base_n[row][col]*column_n[row][col]/base_n[row][col];
            if (redo_percentages)
                cell_text[row][col] = percent_array;
    if (redo_percentages) {
        table.showPercentSign = false;
        table.cellText = cell_text;
    // Determine the maximum and minium Effective Column n
    // in each column
    let min_array = columnMinimums(effective_column_n);
    let max_array = columnMaximums(effective_column_n);

    // Work out whether we need to add one or two rows to the
    // table and make the appropriate modifications
    let values_to_replace;
    let adding_one_row = constantWithinColumns(min_array, max_array, eps);
    if (adding_one_row) {
        // Effective Column n is constant within each column so add
        // a single row and insert the numbers
        let index = table.numberRows - 1;
        table.insertRowAfter(index, 'Effective ' + stat_name);
        if (typeof right_table !== 'undefined') { // Add a new row for the right table
            if (right_table.columnLabels == null)
                right_table.insertRowAfter(index, 'Effective ' + stat_name);
                right_table.insertColumnAfter(index, 'Effective ' + stat_name);
        values_to_replace = table.get(stat_to_use);
        for (let col = 0; col < table.numberColumns; col ++)
            values_to_replace[table.numberRows - 1][col] = min_array[col];
    } else {

        // Effective Column n varies within each column, so add
        // one row to display the minimum and one for the maximum
        let index = table.numberRows - 1;
        table.insertRowAfter(index, 'Minimum Effective ' + stat_name);
        table.insertRowAfter(index, 'Maximum Effective ' + stat_name);
        if (typeof right_table !== 'undefined') { // Add a new row for the right table
            if (right_table.columnLabels == null) {
                right_table.insertRowAfter(index, 'Minimum Effective ' + stat_name);
                right_table.insertRowAfter(index, 'Maximum Effective ' + stat_name);
            } else {
                right_table.insertColumnAfter(index, 'Minimum Effective ' + stat_name);
                right_table.insertColumnAfter(index, 'Maximum Effective ' + stat_name);
        values_to_replace = table.get(stat_to_use);
        for (let col = 0; col < table.numberColumns; col ++) {
            values_to_replace[table.numberRows - 1][col] = min_array[col];
            values_to_replace[table.numberRows - 2][col] = max_array[col];
    // Set the new numbers into the statistic stat_to_use
    table.set(stat_to_use, values_to_replace);
    // Show missing values as blank in order to keep the new
    // rows tidy

// Function to check whether the column maximums (max_array) are the same
// as the column miniumums (min_array) within the precision specified by
// eps
function constantWithinColumns(min_array, max_array, eps) {
    let constant_within_columns = true;
    for (let j = 0; j < min_array.length; j++) {
        if (Math.abs(max_array[j] - min_array[j]) > eps) {
            constant_within_columns = false;
    return constant_within_columns;

// This function returns an array containing the minimum of each
// column in the input staistic_array.
// This function assumes that statistic_array has the structure of
// an array derived from the statistics - cells of a table.
// Will return an NaN for any column containing NaNs.
function columnMinimums(statistic_array) {
    let min_array = [];
    for (let col = 0; col < statistic_array[0].length; col++) {
        let min = statistic_array[0][col];
        for (let row = 0; row < statistic_array.length; row++) {
            let cur_val = statistic_array[row][col];
            if (cur_val < min)
                min = cur_val;
            if (isNaN(cur_val))
                min = NaN;
    return min_array;

// This function returns an array containing the Maximum of each
// column in the input staistic_array.
// This function assumes that statistic_array has the structure of
// an array derived from the statistics - cells of a table.
// Will return an NaN for any column containing NaNs.
function columnMaximums(statistic_array) {
    let max_array = [];
    for (let col = 0; col < statistic_array[0].length; col++) {
        let max = statistic_array[0][col];
        for (let row = 0; row < statistic_array.length; row++) {
            let cur_val = statistic_array[row][col];
            if (cur_val > max)
                max = cur_val;
            if (isNaN(cur_val))
                max = NaN;
    return max_array;

See Also