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The footer shown below a table or chart can be customized in two ways. Firstly, the Table Options contains a Footer tab which allows you to toggle different pieces of information being shown in the footer. Secondly, tables can be customized using Rules, and this includes modifications to the footer of the table or chart.

Table Options

The Footer tab of Table Options governs how filters and weights are displayed when exported or printed. A preview is shown at the bottom of the dialog box. Anything shown in the triangular brackets is calculated by Q for each table. For example, in base n = <n>, <n> is replaced by the sample size when the table is exported or printed. You can edit the various components of the footer. For example, we could replace base n = <n> with Sample Size is <n> people.

When editing footers it is important to remember that:

  • The edit will apply to all tables that are selected in the Report tree. This means that if you click on a single table and make changes, these changes will not be applied to all the other tables in the project.
  • If you remove the triangular brackets nothing is calculated and your footer may be incorrect. For example, you replaced effective sample size = <ess> (<ess%>) with ESS is 923, this would be incorrect if you applied a different filter or weight to the table.

Custom text Enter any text. This will always be inserted at the start of the footer. To insert a new line in this or any other field in the footer, hold down Alt on your keyboard and type 0182.

Delimiter This character will seperate each of the footer items.

Include Check the include option in each section of this dialog box to select a specific type of content to appear in the footer.

Question names

When summary <blue> will be replaced with the name of the question in the blue dropdown.<brown> will be replaced with "SUMMARY" or "RAW DATA"; you may remove <brown> from the text to stop it appearing.

When crosstab <blue> will be replaced with the name of the question in the blue dropdown.
<brown> will be replaced with the name of the question in the brown dropdown.


Use today's date Today's date will be used to replace the <date> token in the Text field. The format used to display the date comes from your Windows regional settings. When you print or export the table, this date will appear as the date of printing or exporting.

Use Date variable Instead of using today's date, select a variable which has a Question Type of Date from your data file. It's date period will be used intelligently when displaying the date; for example, if your date period is months, "January 2011" will be shown.

Text <date> will be replaced with either today's date or the last date from the data of the Date variable.


Filter present <filter> will be replaced by the name(s) of the selected filter variables.

When no filter This text will be copied verbatim when there are no filter variables selected for the table.


Weight present <weight> will be replaced by the name(s) of the selected weighting variable.

When no weight This text will be copied verbatim when there are is no weighting variable selected for the table.

Base n

<n> will be replaced by a description of the Base n statistic for all cells in the table (if they vary, this will show a range).


<missing> will be replaced by the number of respondents missing from the lowest Base n of the table.

Total n

<totalN> will be replaced by the number of respondents that were in the filter (or if no filter, the total sample).

Effective sample size

<ess> will be replaced by the Effective Base n for all cells in the table.<ess%> will be replaced by Effective sample size / Base n.

% filtered out

<out%> will be replaced by the percentage of respondents not in the filter. If there is no filter, nothing will be shown.

Significance testing

Include when significance shown If significance is not being shown on a table (see Table Styles) then this output will not appear in the footer irrespective of whether or not it is checked.

Text When Include when significance shown is ticked, and the Table Style has one of the Show significance options set, this text will be included in the footer and <test> will be replaced by the Cell multiple comparison correction and <p> will be replaced by the Overall significance level from the Statistical Assumptions.

Minimal sample size for testing

Include when significance shown If significance is not being shown on a table (see Table Styles) then this output will not appear in the footer irrespective of whether or not it is checked.

When significance is shown on the table or chart, this text will be included in the footer and <min> will be replaced by the Minimal sample size for testing number from the Statistical Assumptions.

Date significance

If the table/chart contains a date question, this text will be included in the footer and <dateComparison> will be replaced by the selected value of Date questions: from Statistical Assumptions.

Column multiple comparison correction

Include when columns compared If Column Comparisons have not being shown on a table then this output will not appear in the footer irrespective of whether or not it is checked.

TextWhen the Column comparisons statistic is shown on the table and the Cell multiple comparison correction differs from the Column comparisons multiple comparison correction, this text will be included in the footer and <test> will be replaced by the Column comparisons multiple comparison correction from the Statistical Assumptions.

Column comparison legend

Include when columns compared If Column Comparisons have not being shown on a table then this output will not appear in the footer irrespective of whether or not it is checked.

Text When the Column comparisons statistic is shown on the table, this text will be included in the footer and <lettersList> will be replaced by the distinct sets of Column letters from the Statistical Assumptions that apply for the Overall significance level. For example, "a, b, c... (p = 0.05), A, B, C... (p = 0.001)". If you prefer to use your own formatting, you may use <pXX> where XX is one of the Cutoff p-values from the Statistical Assumptions, for example, the text "Column comparison symbols: <p0.05> (p = 95%), <p0.001> (p = 99.9%)" will produce "Column comparison symbols: a, b, c... (p = 95%), A, B, C... (p = 99.9%)".
Truncate after N letters When this is ticked, the set of Column letters in the Text will be truncated after N letters (by default, 3 letters). If this is not ticked, all of the Column letters will be shown in the footer.

No column test symbol

Include when columns compared If Column Comparisons have not being shown on a table then this output will not appear in the footer irrespective of whether or not it is checked.

Text When the Column comparisons statistic is shown on the table, this text will be included in the footer and <noTest> will be replaced by the No test symbol from the Statistical Assumptions.Non-significant column test symbol Include when columns compared
Text When the Column comparisons statistic is shown on the table, this text will be included in the footer and <notSig> will be replaced by the Symbol for non-significant test from the Statistical Assumptions.

Arrow significance legend

Include when arrows shown If arrows are not being shown on the table (see Table Styles then this output will not appear in the footer irrespective of whether or not it is checked.

Text When Include when arrows shown is ticked, a legend of the applicable arrow heights and their respective p values will be shown when the table or chart is exported to printer, PDF, Office (as a picture), or to an online dashboard. Similarly to Column comparison legend, you may use <pXX> tokens to only show arrows for specific p values and customise the other text in the legend.

Indicate when time series are moving averages

If any time series data has had a moving average applied to it, this will add an entry to the footer.

Indicate period for trend lines

If trend lines are shown without a date axis then a footer entry will be added to indicate the period.

Customizing the Footer with Rules

In addition to the standard settings in the Table Options above, footers can be modified using Rules. Several of these have been added to the Online Library to achieve more common requirements, including:

[[Category:Creating And Modifying Tables]